USE internationaliser;
  * Notes by translators and proofreaders, tied to a specific locale and key
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS translatorComments;
CREATE TABLE translatorComments (
   * which bundle this translation belongs to, project/ResourceBundle/Locale
   uniqueBundleID INTEGER NOT NULL,
    * the key the Java source program uses to tie together all the translations bundlename.getString( "key" )
    * This is case sensitive. You may use any combination of upper and lower case.
    * You can use any convention you like including adding punctuation characters like . and _
    * to create a hierarchy e.g. SEARCH.RESULTS.WEB.FOUND_DOCUMENTS
    * In the projects table, you can configure a project-wide REGEX
    * that determines if a translationKey is valid.
    * Dots in the key indicate levels of hierarchy.
   translationKey VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL,
    * comment from translator or proofreader.
    * There can be more that one of these for each translationKey/locale.
    * It might contain URLS of screen shots. Note, we don't store images themselves.
    * person who wrote this comment
   initials CHAR ( 4 ),
    * when this record was last updated
   lastChanged TIMESTAMP,
   PRIMARY KEY( uniqueBundleID, translationKey ),
   FOREIGN KEY( uniqueBundleID ) REFERENCES bundles( uniqueBundleID ),
   INDEX changed( lastChanged)