# mindprod.properties file.
# Replicator Configuration file for Mindprod project.
# Stored in E:\com\mindprod\replicatorsender

# Summary of what this files says:
# You want to distribute nearly everything in
# E:\mindprod.  The Replicator will put the zips
# in E:\mindprod\replicator.  You will upload those
# files to http://mindprod.com/replicator.  The clients
# will download the zips by default to C:\mpstaging
# then decompress them by default to C:\mindprod

# This replicator.properties files is used to configure a set
# of files for efficient distribution via a website using
# multiple archive zip files to send just the changes. Each
# parameter that follows must be specified on one line, even
# for multiples. Everything is case sensitive, i.e.
# upper/lower case has to be precisely correct. You specify
# the broad rules of what files you want to distribute, then
# refine your choice with exceptions to the previous rules.

#rem where the com.mindprod.replicator source files are.

# Directory without trailing \ where ALL the master files to be distributed are kept.
# What is common to all filenames to be distributed, possibly just a drive.
# Use local platform names e.g. E: or E:\mindprod for Windows. This name is purely for the local
# Master copy, not directory on the website or directory at the clients'.
# Absolute directory name.
# Use \ not /.

# Directory without trailing \ where all the archive zip files to be distributed are kept.
# Use local platform names e.g. E:\mindprod for Windows. This name is purely for the local
# master copy, not for the website or the clients.
# Make sure this directory is NOT included in the trees, dirs or files to distribute!
# It is NOT relative to the SENDER_BASE_DIR.
# Absolute directory name.
# Use \ not /.

# Directory without trailing \ where all the sender's state
# persistence files, namely sender.ser and sender.log are
# stored. The files in this directory are not uploaded to the
# website for the clients. Use local names e.g.
# E:\com\mindprod\replicatorsender for Windows. This name is
# purely for the local master copy, not for the website or the
# clients. Make sure this directory is NOT included in the
# trees, dirs or files to distribute! Usually the same as the
# program directory.

# Which directory trees (directory and all subdirectories)
# within the base directory tree will
# be distributed.  The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# The name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple directory tree names with commas.
# * means all trees in the base directory, and all files in the base directory
# Use \ not /. NO WILDCARDS other than * by itself.

# Which directory trees (directory and all subdirectories)
# within the base directory tree will not
# be distributed.
# Don't specify directory tree names, unless they would
# naturally be distributed by being part of TREES_TO_DISTRIBUTE
# above.
# The directory and all its subdirectories will
# be withheld, even if they appear in the list to be distributed.
# The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# The name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple directory tree names with commas.
# Use \ not /.  NO WILDCARDS.
# include embellishments, snippets, includes so users can rebuild

# Which individual directories (directory without subdirectory)
# within the base directory tree will
# be distributed.
# Don't specify any directories which would naturally be distributed
# by being part of TREES_TO_DISTRIBUTE above. You do have to mention
# directories that would be excluded by TREES_TO_WITHHOLD above.
# The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# the name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple directory names with commas.
# * means all files in the base directory, not including all dirs and subdirs.
# Use \ not /. NO WILDCARDS.

# Which individual directories (directory without subdirectories)
# within the base directory tree will not
# be distributed.
# Don't specify directory  names, unless they would
# naturally be distributed by being part of TREES_TO_DISTRIBUTE
# above.
# The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# The name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple directory names with commas.
# * means all dirs in the base directory, and all files in the base directory,
# not including all subdirs of those dirs.
# * means all files in the base directory, not including all dirs and subdirs.
# Use \ not /.  NO WILDCARDS.
# We distribute the snippets, text, ser, iframe, also includes and rss.
# Withhold Living love songs. They are huge and can be downloaded.

# Which individual files (which otherwise would not be distributed)
# within the base directory tree will
# be distributed.
# Don't specify any files which would naturally be distributed
# by being part of TREES_TO_DISTRIBUTE or DIRS_TO_DISTRIBUTE above.
# You do have to mention files that would be excluded by TREES_TO_WITHHOLD
# The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# the name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple filenames with commas.
# Use \ not /. NO WILDCARDS.

# Which individual files that would otherwise be distributed
# within the base directory tree will not
# be distributed.
# Don't specify file names, unless they would
# naturally be distributed by being part of TREES_TO_DISTRIBUTE
# The name is relative to the base directory, i.e.
# The name must include the directory, but not
# the base. The name must not begin or end with a \,
# though it may contain embedded \. Spaces are ok.
# Do not surround filenames in "s.
# Separate multiple filenames with commas.
# Use \ not /. NO WILDCARDS.

# Which file extensions should be withheld from distribution, no matter what
# directory they are in, and no matter what previous rules say about these files.

# Largest file to distribute in bytes.
# Suggest leaving at 10 megabytes. The largest possible is 2 gigabytes.
# Large files are not spread over several zips.

# How many days to keep track the fact a file was deleted.  If you make this 
# too small, clients who download less frequently than this might not get 
# files deleted.  If you make it too large, your zips are clogged with 
# records of files deleted long ago.  

# After a zip has aged this many days, we use stricter rules for how much 
# deadwood we will tolerate.  If a zip has too much deadwood, this zip and 
# all subsequent zips are rebuilt and renumbered squeezing out all deadwood.  
# We never perform this old-deadwood prune more than once a day.  In 
# contrast, we perform the recent deadwood prune on every run.
# If you make the number too large, your clients will download a lot of deadwood.
# If you make the number too small, you will spent a lot of time uploading
# freshly squeezed files.

# How long in minutes the zip files sit in retirement
# untouched before we zero and delete them.
# We want to make sure anyone with dial-up still downloading
# an obsolete manifest can still complete successfully.
# This setting should be longer than the longest expected download.
# Making this too long wastes disk space on your server
# hanging on to obsolete zips.

# percent obsolete files in a ZIP that will be tolerated before repacking in a
# recent zip. Reducing this will cut the amount of deadwood your exsting clients have
# to download, but will increase the number of files you have to upload.
# In other words, making it larger will reduce the amount of time you spend
# uploading, but will increase the amount of time your existing clients spend downloading.

# percent obsolete files in a ZIP that will be tolerated before repacking in a
# mature zip. Reducing this will cut the amount of deadwood your new clients have
# to download, but will increase the number of files you have to upload.
# In other words, making it larger will reduce the amount of time you spend
# uploading, but will increase the amount of time your new clients spend downloading.

# Approximate size in bytes of individual zip archive files distributed,
# prior to compression. Files will typically compress to 1/3 to 1/2 this size.
# usually 1 megabyte 1000000, no commas or spaces.
# It might be set smaller if users have very flaky connections and can't
# reliably download files that big. Bigger makes for faster uploads and downloads.

# Compression level 0 to 9.
# 0=uncompressed 9=as compressed as possible.
# Bigger number takes more time to prepare zips.

# "true" if you want files that have new dates, but have not really
# changed since the last distribution to be redated back to their
# original dates.  This saves redistributing files that have not
# actually changed content.  This is useful for generated index files
# which often generate to the same output as previously.
# This affects the file dates on the originals and well as the files
# distributed.
# "false" if you want redated, but unchanged files to be redistributed
# with the new dates.
# For more information on how untouch works see
# http://mindprod.com/project/untouch.html
# Already untouched, so not needed.

# "distributed" if you want excess whitespace removed from any distributed *.html
# This makes the files smaller and faster to load.  They look the same
# on the browser screen, but the raw HTML source is harder to understand.
# "original" if you want the original HTML compacted as well.
# "none" if you want HTML files distributed as-is.
# Already compacted, so not needed.

# Command to upload files to the Internet.
# Needs full qualification and .exe suffix.
# e.g. F:\Program Files\netload\netload.exe
# or C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /E:1900 /C upload.bat
# Leave empty (i.e. UPLOAD=) to bypass automatic upload.
# Don't surround in quotes, even if it contains spaces.
# use \ instead of /.

# highest acceptable exit/error/return code from the upload
# Leave empty (i.e. HIGHEST_ACCEPTABLE_EXIT_CODE=) to bypass exit code checking.

# Command to recover if upload fails
# Needs full qualification and .exe suffix.
# e.g. F:\sys\recover.exe
# or C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /E:1900 /C recover.bat
# Leave empty (i.e. RECOVER=) to bypass automatic recovery.
# Don't surround in quotes, even if it contains spaces.
# use \ instead of /.
RECOVER=F:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64\TCC.EXE /E:1900 /c E:\env\netloadkjvon.btm

# max number of unsuccessful tries to complete an upload before giving up.
# e.g. 3

# Following properties control the default client configuration:

# Project name for title, just what it is we are distributing.

# Globally unique name, starting with website name in reverse e.g. com.mindprod.
# This name allows The Replicator to keep several projects on the same machine from
# interfering with one another.

# Directory without trailing \ where ALL the master files to be distributed are kept.
# Use local platform names e.g. E:\mindprod for Windows.
# This is the suggested default for the client.
# use \ not /. Must double \

# Directory without trailing \ where all the incoming archive zip files are kept.
# Use local platform names e.g. E:\mindprod for Windows.
# This is the suggested default for the client.
# use \ not /.  Must double \

# Where on the website the archive files are stored.
# without a trailing /. Must have a lead http://
# e.g. http://mindprod.com/replicator
# use / not \

# Used when the client does not have direct access to the internet.
# Where can it get the zip files from a LAN or his local machine
# downloaded by a relay version of the Replicator.
# If the source of the zip files for the client
# is directory on the current machine, you might code:
# file://localhost/C:/replicator
# If the source of the zip files is a directory on another machine on the LAN you might code:
# file://bigserver/C:/common/replicator
# use / not \.

# Do clients need a userid/passwords to access the files from the website?
# "none" means no user id or password needed to access files on the website.
# "basic" means use a simple undigested userid/password to access files.
# "none" means public access without id.

# "true" if you want additional troubleshooting information dumped to the console.
# "false" if you want this debugging information suppressed.
# In either case, the receiver.log and sender.log files will contain substantial
# amounts of information about the activities of the Replicator.
# end