Deming : Java Glossary


Dr. W. (William) Edwards Deming was the man who taught the Japanese about quality control. He is regarded a little higher than God in Japan. American companies are gradually adopting his theories of quality control and human management. One of his key ideas is that is pointless to complain about people making errors. That is the nature of people. You need to create an environment where those errors are less likely or where they get caught. He points out the folly of many incentive schemes to produce more. He emphasises gradual constant improvement taking ideas from people closest to the work. We was mainly concerned about manufacturing and corporate management. However, much of what he had to say also applies to computer programming. When we get serious about applying his theories, we will finally get some decent software.
You do not have to change: survival is not mandatory.
~ Dr. W. (William) Edwards Deming (1900-10-14 1993-12-20 age:93) On Overcoming Resistance to Change
His ideas sound too simple to make much difference, but they revolutionise the way corporations work.
book cover recommend book⇒Out of The Crisisto book home
by Dr. W. (William) Edwards Deming 978-0-262-54115-2 paperback
birth 1900-10-14 1993-12-20 age:93 978-0-911379-01-3 hardcover
publisher MIT 978-0-262-29718-9 eBook
published 2000-08-11 B00653KTES kindle
Heavier and more complete that Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About Quality.
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book cover recommend book⇒The New Economics: For Industry, Government, Educationto book home
by Dr. W. (William) Edwards Deming 978-0-262-54116-9 paperback
birth 1900-10-14 1993-12-20 age:93 B004ZK8RTM kindle
publisher MIT
published 2000-08-11
Follow on to Out of the Crisis.
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book cover recommend book⇒Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About Qualityto book home
by Rafael Aguayo, W. Edwards Deming 978-0-671-74621-6 paperback
publisher Fireside 978-0-8184-0519-8 hardcover
published 1991-09-15 B003VIX1AY kindle
One of the most most thought provoking books ever.
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