import; import; /** * Find out where a class on the classpath will be loaded from. * Fully qualified classname goes on the command line. */ public class Where { /** * main * @param args name of fully qualified class to find, using dots, but no dot class. * e.g. java.exe Where javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage */ public static void main ( String[] args ) { try { String qualifiedClassName = args[0]; Class qc = Class.forName( qualifiedClassName ); CodeSource source = qc.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource(); if ( source != null ) { URL location = source.getLocation(); out.println ( qualifiedClassName + " : " + location ); } else { out.println ( qualifiedClassName + " : " + "unknown source, likely rt.jar" ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { err.println( "Unable to locate class on command line." ); e.printStackTrace(); } } }