Cited Book: Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power

book cover recommend book⇒Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power
by Alexandra Robbins 978-0-316-73561-2 paperback
birth 1976 age:41 978-0-316-72091-5 hardcover
publisher Little 978-0-7595-2737-9 eBook
published 2002-09 B000FA5TT2 kindle
George W. Bush and Sr. are members of the Yale fraternity the Skull & Bones Society which has satanic and homosexual elements in their initiation rituals. The author is a member of a rival Yale fraternity to Skull & Bones. She digs deeply into the history of the Skull & Bones. Does a fair bit of debunking Skull & Bones myths. She documents the ways its members have found their ways into high office and other positions of power.
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