Cited Book: Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life

book cover recommend book⇒Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life
by Dr. Stephen Jay Gould 978-0-345-45040-1 paperback
birth 1941-09-10 2002-05-20 age:60 978-0-9657602-1-8 hardcover
publisher Ballantine 978-0-307-80141-8 eBook
published 2002-02-26 978-0-7871-1857-0 audio
  B00589AYH2 kindle
I don’t recommend this book, though I recommend Mr. Gould’s other books on the topic of evolution. This book consists of a rather limp suggestion that the conflict between religion and science can be avoided if religion will butt out of matters of fact and science butts out of matters of ethics. I find this a foolish truce. Religion should not be left to deal with ethics. It has only inept tools — magic, myth, superstition and tradition. The study of ethics would do much better if augmented with comparative religion, anthropology, law, psychology, Darwinian evolution and experiment.
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