Cited Book: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

book cover recommend book⇒God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
by Christopher Hitchens 978-0-446-69796-5 paperback
birth 1949-04-13 2011-12-15 age:62 978-0-446-57980-3 hardcover
publisher Twelve 978-1-55199-176-4 eBook
published 2007-05-01 978-1-60024-009-6 audio
  B00333FGUK kindle
This is a historical look at Christianity and Islam. Hitchens shows why he believes religion to be a consequence of our evolutionary childhood, why he believes it should not be considered a source of morality and all the ways in which it has demonstrated its tendency to foster totalitarian malevolence. Hitchens is a great wit, however, he is over the top in his fear of Islam. He is a Bush-supporting right winger who believes the Bush conspiracy theory of 9/11 and who thinks the solution is to kill all the Muslims. Other than that bit of nuttiness, he is entertaining and intelligent. It is fun to watch one so gullible accuse Christians of gullibility.
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