Cited Book: The Grand Design

book cover recommend book⇒The Grand Design
by Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow 978-0-553-38466-6 paperback
birth 1942-01-08 2018-03-13 age:76 978-0-553-90707-0 eBook
publisher Bantam 978-0-7393-4426-2 audio
published 2012-02-21 B003TXSF5C kindle
Some recently thinking on M-theory on multiple universes. The most serious claim a god designed the universe is the way universal constantas are so conveniently arranged for life. M-Theory explains this by explaining that ours is just one of 10500 universes, most of which are not friendly to life. We could not very well exist in one of them. In a similar way there are billions of planets, most of which are not suitable for life. Since we are here, necessarily ours had to be one of the good ones.
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