Cited Book: Why We Believe in God(s): A Concise Guide to the Science of Faith

book cover recommend book⇒Why We Believe in God(s): A Concise Guide to the Science of Faith
by J. Anderson Thomson, Clare Aukofer 978-0-9844932-1-0 paperback
publisher Pitchstone 978-0-9844932-3-4 eBook
published 2011-06-01 B0053VLW3U kindle
The theory of evolution also explains why people absorb and hold tenaciously to absurd beliefs. If a Christian reads it, they learn about why other religions tenaciously hold the minds of believers. It is only a step to realise that Christianity is no different. This summarises the scientific research. It does not explain why Christian beliefs are false. It turns out religion comes from ordinary brain function. There are no special brain organs for religion. If you understand the psychology of junk food, you understand the psychology of religion. For example, gods are like super-normal parents that strongly trigger your attachment mechanisms.
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