Cited Book: Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror

book cover recommend book⇒Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror
by Mark Danner 978-1-59017-152-3 paperback
birth 1958-11-10 age:59
publisher New York Review
published 2004-10-31
Like Seymour Hersh, Mark Danner is a journalist with The New Yorker. The book contains the 2002-10 Defense Department memo that authorized the Muslim-baiting practices in the POW torture camps. The torture was part of a deliberate policy of enhanced interrogation planned at the highest levels of the administration. No punishment awaits the senior U.S. officials who orchestrated the abuses in Iraq and other U.S. detention facilities around the world. With the help of a Republican-controlled Congress, the White House and Defense Department have so far succeeded in limiting the fallout from the scandal and blaming it on a handful of overzealous, low-ranking soldiers.
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