Cited Book: Evolving: The Human Effect and Why It Matters

book cover recommend book⇒Evolving: The Human Effect and Why It Matters
by Dr. Daniel J. Fairbanks 978-1-61614-565-1 paperback
birth 1956 age:61 978-1-61614-566-8 eBook
publisher Prometheus Books B0093AL1WO kindle
published 2012-05-22
The many strains of evidence for evolution. The importance of evolution for present day humans. This book nominally tackles the same subject as Dawkin’s The Greatest Show On Earth. Dawkins focuses on debunking religious objections to evolution. Fairbanks does not care about them. He just wants to explain as much about the nuts and bolts of how evolution works as he can fit. For example, he explains how the biochemistry of DNA inevitably leads to new species.
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