Soldier Motives
When Canadian soldiers return from Afghanistan they often either attempt suicide or complete it. Everyone knows that combat often leads to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), brain damage and suicide. Suicide is more common than death in combat. So the most important question is, why did these people enlist to go to Afghanistan in the first place?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- They were not conscripted. Of all possible things to do with their lives they voluntarily signed on as soldiers, agreeing to kill whomever they were ordered to.
- It was not to protect Canada. Canada attacked Afghanistan, not the reverse. Afghanistan was so impoverished, that an attack on Canada would have been impossible.
- It was not for the money. Military families often have to seek welfare.
- It was not to help the people of Afghanistan. Canadians refuse to donate even pennies to help people in the third world.
- It was not for the travel to exotic places. Afghanistan is a hell hole.
- What does that leave? They enjoy soldiering, namely bullying, killing, torturing and sometimes raping and pillaging. When they get back they become terminally guilty and kill themselves. It a natural consequence. They deserve the same mourning as other multiple killers.