Neil Gorsuch
Neil Gorsuch is Trump’s nominee for the supreme court.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- He has been to the most prestigious universities.
- Because he is unusually young for a supreme court justice, (1967-08-29 age:50) he will influence supreme court decisions for decades to come. He is prematurely grey.
- Homophobic. Ruled in favour of Hobby Lobby Christian right to discriminate against homosexuals.
- He opposes physician-assisted suicide.
- He is Episcopalian (Anglican). He would be the court’s only Protestant. There are currently five Catholic and three Jewish members.
- He is presumed pro-life, though he has avoided ever writing on the matter.
- Reagan made his mother Ann the head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), charged with dismantling it, so there is a good chance he is anti-environmental too.
- In summary, he is your typical bigoted Christian who believes his personal religious beliefs should trump the law and common sense.