Nothing But More Of the Same
Imagine you were Rob Nicholson, former minister of Justice for Canada. Your boss told you to reduce crime and simultaneously reduce costs. What would you do? You might have a look at what other countries were doing, searching for proven workable ideas. However, Rob Nicholson is a Conservative, so that approach is unthinkable. The only solution he will consider is more of the same Conservative ideology, damn whether it works, or even makes things worse. Partly he has a serious case of NIH (Not Invented Here) imagining Canada is a special case and that experiences anywhere else are necessarily irrelevant because Canadians are superior to those other people. However, Nicholson is not quite as irrational as he first sounds. The Conservative party is massively funded by the prison industry, who in turn demand contracts to build new prisons and new laws to populate those prisons.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)