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This essay is about Brita water
filters. I give them a mixed review. The use of water filters is a great idea. They
efficiently create large quantities of clean, good-tasting water.
Bottled Water
Using bottled water is idiotic. It wastes energy creating bottles, bottling and
transporting. It clogs land fills with empty bottles. It is ridiculously expensive. It is
just filtered city tap water. Don’t be fooled by the names that suggest glaciers,
mountain spring and artesian wells. Unlike tap water, there are no inspections of bottled
water plants. That is just the beginning of the problems with bottled water. More dirt.
Advantages of Brita
On a per litre basis, they are quite economic.
The chilled, filtered water is delicious. I have tasted water from other much more
expensive filtration systems. Brita tastes much much better.
You start with inspected tap water. At least you know it has no bacterial
If your water has few particulates in it, the filter lasts much longer than
advertised. If you have well water, it will have particles that clog the filter in
about a month.
Disadvantages of Brita
The filter looks symmetrical, but it is not. You have to rotate it through four
possible positions to find the one that fits. I can’t see any reason to do this
other than irritate people. It is perhaps too late for them to use a symmetrical
geometry, but they could add matching indicator arrows on filter and jug so you can get
the orientation right on the first try.
The filters constantly leak little flecks of carbon. Most of this gets into the
pre-filtered water container. It is not harmful, just disconcerting. They need to put
some sort of screen on the inside top of the filter to keep these flecks in.
The containers were designed by a blithering idiot. There is nothing that holds the
lid on. It keeps falling off. The original model and the slimline versions were fine,
but they have been discontinued. You have to be careful to hold the lid on at all
The jugs are ridiculously overpriced. A similar plastic jug costs only a few
dollars. Brita jugs sell at
Canada Tire periodically advertises them at half price. When you get to the store,
they always have some flimsy excuse why you can’t actually buy them at half
price. Brita should not be selling through such a dishonest retailer.
The upper water container is opaque. This causes trouble with the following
scenario. A fills the pitcher and puts it back in the fridge. A few minutes later, B
uses the pitcher to get a glass of water. Because the top chamber is still full, when
the pitcher is tipped, water floods out all over the counter. B can’t tell that
the water has not yet flowed into the bottom container.
Let the tap run until the water is cold before filling the pitcher. The filter is
not designed to get rid of the metallic taste of the early tap water.
Keep a second pitcher on the counter for filling the kettle. As well as making the
water taste better, it helps keep the kettle clean. There is no need to keep the water
cold or to take up room in the fridge.
When filling the pitcher, make sure you don’t get water down the spout,
bypassing the filter.
When you use some water, top up the pitcher right away. That way you will always
have clean cold water without waiting.
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