Type 1 Vandalism | Type 2 Response |
Purchasing an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) and then using it primarily for commuting a single passenger to work. | Spray painting slogans on SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles) to tease the owners for trying to bolster their masculinity by purchasing such a vehicle. Drilling small holes in the vehicles and inserting foul-smelling mercaptans to make the vehicles unusable. |
Going to a national park and tossing McDonald’s litter out the car window. | In the dead of night, dumping several tons of McDonald’s litter in the culprit’s front yard. Sending a photo of the original crime to the local newsmedia so they wake up the occupants early in the morning for a comment. |
Dumping toxic waste into the storm sewers. | Breaking into the culprit’s house and destroying his wine and brandy collection by inserting dead fish into each bottle and resealing them. |
Failing to take precautions to prevent an oil spill. | Taking pesticide sprayers and spraying the culprit’s house and grounds with a fine mist of oil. Pouring crude oil over the interiors of his automobiles. |
Sacrificing a whale in a revival of primitive religions. | Harpooning a human whale sacrificer to a tree in a similar burst of ancient religious revival spirit. |
Fish farming that leaves behind salmon feces meters deep to infect wild species. | Burying some valuable object owned by the fish farmer in salmon feces. |
Killing a bear for its gall bladder, based on the superstition that it will increase potency. | Removing a poacher’s gall bladder and feeding it to a bear as he watches to see if the reverse is also true. |
Polluting rivers with feedlot cow feces. | Throwing packets of cow feces wrapped to ressemble meat into the freezers of supermarkets that carry that packer’s products. |
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