Abolish the Monarchy
I think it is time to end the British monarchy for many reasons including:
- It is anti-democratic. It is based on bloodlines, wealth and privilege.
- It in unfair to those born into to the job. They are condemned to a life in the fish bowl whether they want it or not.
- It is unfair to demand that royals avoid expressing political opinions.
- You can get people in the job (as part of the extended royal family, not just the monarch) totally unsuited to it with no way to replace them.
- A rogue member of the royal family can bring dishonour to the whole country.
Selecting a head of state should be handled as in Canada. It is a temporary job. The person selected has already proven himself/herself suitable. The person selected has agreed to take on the job. The president of the country should not be burdened with the dual ceremonial job of head of state. He/she is way too busy.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)