Rachel Notley’s Lethal Lies
Rachel Notley, as the NDP (New Democratic Party) Premier of Alberta, is an unlikely planetary traitor.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- She successfully championed a pipeline to triple the volume of bitumen shipped by tanker through Vancouver’s harbour. If you have ever visited Vancouver, you will discover the harbour is quite small. It is already clogged. That is why so much cargo goes through Seattle, bypassing Vancouver. She breezily claimed BC would be compensated for any spills. But bitumen sinks. There is no way to clean up a bitumen spill, so there is no way to compensate for the costs of cleaning one up. The number of tankers carrying various fossil fuels will increase five fold. Collisions are guaranteed.
- She is similarly dismissive of spills of crude oil from the various new pipelines she rammed through. Consider the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. No expense was spared to contain it. Equipment was commandeered from all over the planet. Yet they managed to recover only 5% of the oil. That is what Notley deceptively means by state of the art cleanup.
- One pipeline creates enough greenhouse gas to saturate our entire greenhouse gas target, leaving no room for cars, heating or electric power generation. Notley has claimed she will meet the Alberta targets even with two new pipelines churning away for decades and she wants even more! She is lying through her teeth that she can meet them as is Justin Trudeau. Politicians love to make green house gas targets, take a public bow, then ignore them. Politicians like Notley and Trudeau make their decisions based on garnering votes from the ignorant. The catch is, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero is not optional if we want earth to remain habitable. To Notley and Trudeau, money and votes are far more important that the continued survival of our planet. They are environmental pigs. They are environmental traitors. They are supposed to lead the country on the wisest path, not mollify the most ignorant, greedy, selfish citizens.
- Notley and the Albertans are totally greed driven. They have no concern for anyone else. They want all the money from the pipelines and for BC to absorb all the destruction of its harbour. They did not even offer a token share of the wealth. Albertans are as greedy as a Poland China pig, preferring a slightly fatter wallet even if it means killing off the rest of the planet with runaway climate change.
- An Albertan mob threatened Ms. Notley demanding she cancel the planned carbon tax. These people are so stupid they are effectively demanding she execute them.
- Albertans are pathologically selfish. They want to destroy Vancouver’s harbour so that can have a few bucks. That makes them ecological vandals. Insisting on increasing greenhouse gases to higher levels that any time in history while pretending to reduce them makes them pants-on-fire liars and mass murderers. Strange as it sounds, Albertans are a far bigger threat to the planet that Hitler ever was. Hitler killed off mere millions. Albertans have their sights set on killing off 7 billion. How strongly I despise them is unprintable.