The reason for this is quite simple. Children are more like women than they are like men. Heterosexual males are attracted to women-like beings and homosexual males are attracted to man-like beings. Consider:
In earlier times, marriages were arranged at age 2 to 9. The younger a bride, the more babies she might produce over her life. Heterosexual paedophilia is biologically part of our species, though today, of course, we attempt to suppress females from having sex until well after menarchy. At one point in our history, we even delayed it to the late twenties, to help curb population growth.
The most common paedophiles who go primarily after boys are priests. They abuse their religious authority to force children to comply. Again their choice is dictated primarily by availability. Boys are more accessible and less protected.
Child molesting is usually defined as having sex with someone below the age of consent, which may be as high as 21. I think the term child molesting should be reserved for having sex with someone below the age of puberty and use the term statutory rape for the crime. It is ridicoulous to conflate having consensual sex with a 20 year old with preying on an 8 year old.
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