Future Of paedophilia
Our society’s attitude toward paedophiles is hysterical and irrational. It reminds me of the attitude toward gays in the 1950s and witchcraft in the 1700s. Anyone questioning witchcraft risked being branded a witch and burned alive. Most people are far more interested in viciously punishing paedophiles, even ones who do not molest children, than they are in protecting children from molestation.
Most Canadian cities have vigilante gangs who entrap ephebophiles (people sexually attracted to teens) then punish them without trial. They are so excitable they are sloppy. In 2016 they widely smeared the name of a police officer whose name rhymed with the suspect, and expressed no remorse.
The church has taught that thinking about a wicked act is just as bad as doing it. This makes nearly every male guilty of paedophilia in his own mind because he finds a shapely 15-year old female appealing. Vigilantes project their own paedophile guilt on others, much the way closeted homosexuals behave as extreme homicidal homophobes. The irony is, this attraction is completely normal. In our hunter-gatherer past, puberty marked the beginning of sex life.
Vigilantes take attention away from crimes against small children and focus them on much less important virtual crimes where the victim is fictitious. Real 13 year olds do not troll the net asking for sex There is little need for entrapment to protect them.
So what do I think is going to happen in the coming decades?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- We will stop conflating ephebophila with paedophilia. Ephebophiles like post-pubescent teenagers. paedophiles like pre-pubescent children. It is silly to conflate consensual sex with a horny 16 year old with rape of a naïve 6 year old using identical punishments for both. The deliberate confusion trivialises paedophilia.
- We will be more compassionate. We will realise that neither ephebophiles nor paedophiles chose to be that way. It arose from genetics and early abusive experiences. Our goal will be to protect children, not make life as miserable as possible for paedophiles.
- We will be practical. We cannot very well expect anyone to simply turn off their sexual desire, as everyone who tried to stop masturbating can attest. You have to provide a safe outlet. So eventually we will permit cartoons, drawings, collages, CGI movies or historical kiddie porn works. We will prohibit the manufacture of new porn involving living children.
- The age of consent will be lowered back to 14 or to puberty. No one can lie about whether they have reached puberty. Today’s teens are much more sophisticated. They are quite capable of giving informed consent. They are not empty-headed women raised in a locked-garden in 1900.
- We will stop pretending that teenagers have no sexual desire, and only have sex when an ephebophile talks them into it. Think back to when you were a teen. That was the horniest period of your life. Logically, you would expect the teen to be the instigator since they are the horniest of the pair.
- Everyone will be issued a forge-proof ID they can use to prove their age.
- Eventually we may have brain implants that turn off or redirect desire.