What techniques do Christians use to gain new converts?
- Repetition starting in the cradle taking advantage of the natural credulity of infants.
- Hypnotic induction.
- Chanting and singing slogans.
- False promises of multi-fold rewards for tithing.
- False promises of infinite wealth and bliss after death.
- Threats of hell fire after death.
- Threats of death, torture or shunning for non-belief.
- Beating up scapegoats, particularly gays.
- Catching people at their lowest ebb and promising them whatever they need, e.g. never-ending companionship.
What techniques do atheists use to try to talk people into abandoning religious superstition?
- Pointing out inconsistencies in Christian doctrine and scripture. They logically cannot be correct.
- Pointing out discrepancies between scripture and what is scientifically known to be true from observation. Scripture cannot be correct.
- Pointing out how both in theory and in practice a belief in Christianity makes people behave less ethically.
Notice two things:
- Atheists are much more ethical in their approach to conversion.
- Christians cannot easily be argued out of Christianity because they were never argued into it.
What Christians need is reassurance that they will not be tortured. They are adult children of trauma. Whether god exists is irrelevant. What counts is whether he will torture them. They believe they cannot take the chance, even if it is remote. They need motherly reassurance not logical arguments why god is bogus.
They also need know how their pastor is conning them. It is irrelevant if other pastors do.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)