Anglican Bigots
A decade after Canada recognised same-sex marriages 1/3 of Anglicans voted to reject it. This is not simply a matter of opinion. These Anglicans are wrong. Further, they are addled. Listen to their reasons for their stance:
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
The bible commands us to block marriage.
No it doesn’t. It has nothing to say about marriage. It commands Christians to murder gays.
Biblical morality is so insane and so out of date, even the most fanatical Christians ignore it, while giving it lip service. e.g.
- beat your wife and kids.
- dash out the brains of babes of neighbouring tribes.
- do not use antibiotics.
- force women to marry their rapists.
- keep slaves.
- kill anyone who eats leftovers on the third day.
- kill adulterous women.
- kill all Ameleks or any of dozens of other ethnicities.
- kill all Sunday shoppers.
- kill all brides without hymens.
- kill all gays, not just refuse to make them cakes.
- kill all prostitutes.
- kill all unwed mothers.
- kill all witches.
- kill anyone of a different religion and all their Christian friends.
- kill anyone who cuts his hair or beard. Elsewhere it condemns you for not trimming your beard. Elsewhere it demands rounded and square shapes. You can’t win.
- kill anyone who eats a shrimp, lobster, owl, rabbit, rare roast, snail, hare, clam, shrimp, oyster, camel, pork, swan, owl, eagle, osprey, bat, dog, locust, beetle or dozens of other animals.
- kill anyone who grows more than one species of plant in a field.
- kill anyone who owns a painting.
- kill anyone who rakes leaves on Sunday.
- kill anyone who says the word god.
- kill anyone who wears more than one type of fibre in his clothing.
- kill anyone with a statue in their yard.
- kill anyone with a tattoo.
- kill females who speak in public.
- kill sassy teens.
- obey rules involving ritual uncleanliness of menstruation.
- you must sacrifice animals.
- you must use separate cookware and dishes for milk and meat.
- you must love your enemies.
- you must sell all you have and give the proceeds to the poor. Take no thought for the morrow. Become a homeless person.
- you must abandon your family.
- being horny is equivalent to adultery, but only for heterosexual males. This encourages real adultery on the grounds of being hanged as a sheep as a lamb. The purpose of this law is to keep males perpetually guilty and hence easy to manipulate. This is just the fantasy of a paedophile priest, who inspired Islam’s 72 virgins.
- It is ok to beat your slaves so long as they do not die immediately.
- Raping a child is ok. Adultery with an unmarried female is ok. Owning a slave is ok.
- JWs (Jehovah’s Witnesses) claim the bible commands no blood transfusions, even if it means death. There is no such commandment. Transfusions were not invented until 1818. There are commandments about eating blood, but JWs ignore the other dietary commandments.
That’s not morality. That is obsessive-compulsive disorder. None of those commandments make any sense except avoiding shellfish in a world without refrigeration, but there is no need to kill anyone.
(I am endlessly baffled that Christians can be aware the Bible commands such evil, but still claim it is the good book.) So this notion that you should be rude and treat gays as second class citizens is something Christians made up all on their own, motivated by spite.If we allow gay marriage, no one will have any babies and the human race will die out.
We have a problem with overpopulation, not underpopulation. No matter what gay people do, straight people are going to have just as many babies as they ever did. If you block same-sex marriage, gays will just live together. It is ridiculous to imagine gays will all turn straight, marry opposite sex partners and have babies. Blocking or allowing gay marriage has no effect on the number of children born. All allowing gay marriage does is increase the number of families willing to adopt.
We have always been as nasty to gays as we could get away with. It ain’t natural to treat gays fairly.
It is only recently we have stopped beating wives and children, even though we have been doing it for centuries, egged on by biblical commandment. We gave up slavery just an eyeblink ago in historical time despite murderous Christian resistance.
We don’t have to continue behaving badly or stupidly indefinitely. Common sense eventually trumps the cruelty of the bible.
Homosexuals are possessed by demons.
If that were indeed so, then exorcism, not bachelorhood, would be the appropriate remedy. Further, there is no evidence for this claim, no spinning heads, no uncontrolled obscenities. This is the same sort of well-thought-out criticism as claiming gays are poo-poo heads.