Preventing Christians From Doing Harm
It must be shocking for Christians to learn one of my life goals is to eliminate their religion. They must imagine I am sort of Hitler bent on harm. Quite the reverse. I want to stop Christians from doing harm including:
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- Persecuting homosexuals, often driving them to suicide.
- Running the earth’s biggest paedophile ring that uses Yahweh as a bogey man to terrify children into compliance.
- Blessing and encouraging wars, especially against non-Christians.
- Telling lies about science and scientists.
- Interfering with efforts to stop global warming.
- Interfering in the private reproductive lives of non-Christians.
- Encouraging run-away population growth among Christians.
- Conning the poor, elderly and feeble minded out of their life savings.
- Interfering in the end-of-life decisions of non-Christians.
- Interfering in organ donations and transplants.
- And that is just my major complaints…