Escaping from Christianity
Attempting to use logic on Christians to get them to abandon their faith will not work because nobody reasoned them into it. How do Christians ever escape?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- They get away from the smothering affect of family and church socialising when they go to college and meet people who believe quite different things that they do. Their new friends don’t even consider the beliefs of the narrow faith a remote possibility.
- They discover they are gay. They decide that life with fellow gays will be much more pleasant than either suicide or living with people of the faith who will always treat them badly.
- To get by in the practical world, they have to use science that conflicts with faith. At some point they realise they have more trust in their GPS (Global Positioning System) unit to guide them safely than stories about Moses.
- They are confronted by the loss of a loved one. It makes no sense in term of punishment. They did nothing to deserve this. No god would behave this way.
- They confront suffering or violence or sadism on a mass scale. What all-powerful god would refuse to help? Either the god has a heart of stone, in which case he does not deserve worship or he does not exist, in which case worship would be silly.
- They meet someone who is utterly certain their beliefs are absurd. It causes them to ruminate on why they believe them to be true and they discover there is nothing holding them up.