weight : Gay & Black Glossary


the force that gravity pulls your naked body toward the centre of the earth proportional to your mass. In the US, people give their weight in pounds, but the rest of the world uses kilograms. A kilogram is 2.205 pounds. In Britain, weight is sometimes measured in stone, where a stone is 14 pounds. Some smartass might even tell you his weight in Newtons, since Newtons are the unit of force, where kilograms are the unit of mass.
pounds 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 215 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
kilograms 45 50 54 59 63 58 72 77 81 86 91 95 98 100 104 108 113 118 122 127 132 136
stone 7 8 9 10¾ 11¼ 12 12¾ 13½ 14¼ 15 15¼ 15¾ 16½ 17 17¾ 18½ 19¼ 20 20¾ 21½


A modern electronic scale will measure accurate to 0.2 of a pound. It will also measure in kg or stone. When you first get the unit, make a note of the type of batteries and which way the batteries go (two lithium batteries will fit four ways), and attach a Dymo label to help you when it comes time to replace the batteries.

Besides accuracy, a digital fluourescent scale display has the advantage of being big and bright. You may be able to read it without your glasses. Avoid a dim LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) display.

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