Revealing the Monster
During the election, Trump was able to exploit the ignorance of his supporters to keep them distracted with Hillary’s crimes that Trump either exaggerated or made up out of whole cloth. Now she is out of the picture, no matter how fancy a dance Trump does, his followers are going to start noticing his negatives:
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- He loves war and nuclear war.
- He is a climate change denier.
- He lies compulsively. Politifacts says he is lying ¾ of the time. He lies even when there is no possible benefit, just to keep his hand in.
- He has an infantile attention span. He got sidetracked during the campaign for a week with a feud with an Argentinian reality TV star.
- He is extremely vulnerable to flattery.
- He commits serial rapes and sexual assaults. details.
- He suffers from gross delusions of grandeur. He claims he is a greater saviour than Jesus. In his own words: I can save you without some silly cross. He has not even the wit to avoid saying such nonsense to his evangelical base.
- He is very thin-skinned.
- He finds sadistic dictators like Assad and Putin emotionally appealing. He gets off on submitting to them. Kinky.
- Putin helped Trump win the election by spying on the Democrats. In return, Trump said he would renege on the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) treaty and support the Russian claims over Syria, the Ukraine and Crimea.
- He has no clue what he is doing; he has no relevant experience and is too proud to take advice.
- He tells people what they want to hear, even if he has no possible way of carrying through. e.g. bringing manufacturing jobs back home to the USA.
- He is a boor. He is pointlessly rude. He is the epitome of the stereotype of the Ugly American. He enjoys being uncouth for the sake of shocking people. He is a bit like Howard Stern.
- He has a long history of swindling people.
- He is extremely selfish. He even swindles charities.
- He is a bigot, racist, homophobe, islamophobe and misogynist. Prejudice is the guiding principle of his life. This is how his father, Fred, taught him.
- He is a fat cat who looks after the interests of other fat cats. He has zero interest in helping the middle class. His tax policy is massive cuts for the rich, period.
- He said he would renege on all trade treaties, no matter what the effect on the economy or the ability to negotiate future trade agreements.
- He has already reneged on his three major campaign promises, and he is not even in office yet: namely the wall, keeping all Muslims out of the USA and repealing gay marriage. The majority of Americans consider his reneging a good thing.
- He appointed the racist Jefferson Beauregard Jeff Sessions III as attorney general. Sessions is one of the most anti-gay senators, most famously promoting a constitutional amendment to forever ban same-sex marriage and to make hate crimes against gays legal. Further, on 2005-10-05, he was one of nine Senators who voted against a Senate amendment to a House bill that prohibited cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals in the custody or under the physical control of the United States Government. As you would expect, he strongly opposes the legalisation of marijuana.