Republican Budget Theory
If the Republican party ran your household budget:
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- They would tell your kids to drop out of school to save money.
- They would procrastinate fixing the leak in the roof to save money.
- They would tithe 25% of your income to the Koch brothers and the Walton (Walmart) family.
- They would rip out your solar panels and install an oil furnace.
- They would save money by leaving the old batteries in the smoke alarms.
- They would sell your hybrid and buy a Hummer.
- They would put your groceries on your MasterCard and pay only the minimum amount each month.
- They would stock your root cellar with automatic weapons for use in killing gays, immigrants, blacks, Koreans and other undesirables as soon as it becomes legal.
- They would put your life savings in McDonnell Douglas stock.