American Lunatics
The majority of Americans are lunatics. How can you tell?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- They spend more on the military than all other countries combined. The expense for this paranoia has done far more damage than any attack actual or potential.
- Americans have the worst health care system of any developed nation. They are on par with Cuba. Yet they spend more than three times as much per capita as any other nation. To boot, other nations manage to cover everyone. Americans toss anyone who gets sick to the wolves. These masochists prides themselves in being chumps on ideological grounds.
- There are a substantial number of Americans considering voting for the party that deliberately ruined America’s credit rating and deliberately obstructed all measures to revive the economy.
- Americans attacked two tiny countries and pounded them to a pulp, as revenge for 2001-09-11 when even President Bush admitted they had nothing to do with it. He says the culprits were Saudis, oddly considered best buddies.
- They effectively excuse the wealthiest from taxation (the ones would could contribute without pain) and squeeze those with almost nothing. They worship the wealthy the way the Brits worship the queen and throw undeserved special privileges at them.
- A shameful number of Americans flatly reject science, especially 48% than reject the science of global climate change and prefer instead the religious speculations of desert dwellers 4000 years ago.
- They will spend huge amounts of resources on a murdered homeless person and almost none to help a living one.
- They have a serious problem with gun violence. Their solution is to saturate the country in still more guns. They know full well that countries that control guns don’t have that problem. They would sooner their kids die like rats than give up fondling their phallic symbols.
- They elected and tolerate Donald Trump, the worst president in history by every measure.