Outrageous Behaviour
It would be an understatement to say Trump’s behaviour is not presidential. To me, his behaviour appears deranged and symptomatic of brain disorder, probably Alzheimer’s. Americans keep making excuses for him as if he were a dotty aunt. Keep in mind he has the nuclear button.
Just what is he going to have to do before the majority of Americans decide they have had enough?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- He poos on the presidential desk on camera.
- At some international gathering, he strips to the buff and takes a dip in a fountain.
- He grabs UK Premier Teresa May by the pussy.
- He gets Ivanka pregnant.
- Doctors find Donald’s sperm in Barron’s rectum.
- He spends a day refusing to say anything but quotations of Dr. Seuss.
- At his next meeting with Putin, 10 different countries get film of the three Russian pee hookers Putin supplied.