Anthropogenic Climate Change
We know what climate change is primarily caused by man-made CO₂ emissions. How do we know?
- Nearly all the planet’s experts agree.
- We know how much CO₂ we have released. Back in the 1890s, the great Swedish chemist Arrhenius worked out a formula for how much warming to expect given amount of CO₂ released.
- We routinely measure the atmospheric CO₂. It has taken off, unlike anything in history, tracking the industrial activity of the industrial revolution. There is nothing else to explain the jump
- Each source of carbon has its own isotope signature. We can tell volacanoes apart from plants apart from fossil fuels. The signature tells us the CO₂ bump is coming from fossil fuels.
Let’s say for political or religious reasons you refuse to accept that the CO₂ is coming from man-made sources. Even if it is coming from some other source, it is still heating the world up alarmingly. It will not fix itself. We humans have to do something to bring the levels down, e.g.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- reducing fossil fuel use.
- switching to clean energy.
- carbon sequestration.
- more efficient use of energy.