Levels of Desire
In your personal life, you primary concern is security, a place to live, food, health care, safety… Once that is under control you seek pleasure: music, entertainment, games, toys, athletic pursuits, travel… One that is doing well, you seek power: influence in the community, chairmanships, published letters, websites, political office, enforcing your views on others… Given how many threats to security there are, I would expect voters to choose candidates mainly on security issues such as:
- global warming
- environmental collapse
- preventing soil erosion
- support for those who get seriously ill or lose their jobs.
- Creating a peaceful world where we are unlikely to be attacked.
But they don’t . They ignore the security issues and go instead for lower priority power issues, e.g. punishing people for being gay or for having abortions.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)