HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) Disclosure
Demanding legal HIV disclosure is counter productive. Why?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- Instead of using safe sex practices, people rely on others disclosing.
- It can take 6 months for a test to show up positive. In the meantime the patient thinks they are HIV- (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus Negative (virus free)).
- Almost nobody does disclose. It is too dangerous. People will attack you if you disclose after all you have done is wash a dish they ate off, gave them a glass of water or a back rub.
- It discourages people from getting tested and treated. If they don’t know their status, they cannot be expected to disclose. Once they have been treated, they are much less likely to spread the disease.
- If someone has unprotected sex with a stranger, they either already have HIV or very soon will. It is their choice, not their partner’s.