Who is Worse Trump or Hitler?
Surprisingly, Trump is the bigger danger to the planet. Hitler merely wanted to conquer the planet. Trump wants to destroy it. Huh?
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
- Trump said I love war, including nuclear war. That is just one of his statements indicating he thinks nuclear war is a good tool for bullying his way. He said What is the point of having nuclear weapons if you don’t use them?
- Trump is a climate change denier and has appointed fellow climate change deniers to key positions in his cabinet. He says he plans to dismantle the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and pull out of the Paris climate agreements. He plans to push the planet over the tipping point with CO₂ emissions where nobody will be able to pull it back. Because of Trump, the world will gradually become uninhabitable. Part of why he is doing this is he so desperately wants to be important. Another reason is payback to corporate sponsors.
- Trump is mad, even in little things, like insisting sun suddenly appeared when he strode to the podium, or the crowds out to honour him were an order of magnitude bigger than they were and shattered historical records. He is so craving worship and signs of divine favour, that he creates delusions to enjoy them.