 * It used to be against patent laws to produce unlicensed
 * GIF images. Now the Unisys patents have all expired.
 * Java now has a GIFEncoder built-in with ImageIO.write.
 * This code shows you what is going on under the covers to create the image.
 * --
 * Greg Faron
 * Integre Technical Publishing Co.

import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;

 * Class <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE> takes an <CODE>Image</CODE> and
 * saves it to a file using the <CODE>GIF</CODE> file format
 * (<A HREF="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/%7Emxr/gfx/">Graphics Interchange
 * Format</A>).
 * A <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE> object is constructed with either an
 * <CODE>Image</CODE> object (which must be fully loaded), or a set of
 * three 2-dimensional <CODE>byte</CODE> arrays.  The image file can be
 * written out with a call to {@link #write(OutputStream) write()}.<p>
 * Three caveats:
 * <UL>
 * <LI>Class <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE> will convert the image to
 * indexed color upon
 * construction.  This will take some time, depending on the size of
 * the image.
 * Also, the act of writing the image to disk will take some
 * time.</LI>
 * <LI>The image cannot have more than 256 colors, since GIF is an 8
 * bit format.  For a 24 bit to 8 bit quantization algorithm, see
 * Graphics Gems II III.2 by <A
 * HREF="http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/wu/">Xialoin Wu</A>.
 * Or check out his <A HREF="http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/wu/cq.c">C
 * source</A>.</LI>
 * <LI>Since the image must be completely loaded into memory,
 * <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE>
 * may have problems with large images.  Attempting to encode an
 * image which will not
 * fit into memory will probably result in the following
 * exception:<BR>
 * <CODE>java.awt.AWTException: Grabber returned false:
 * 192</CODE></LI>
 * </UL>
 * <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE> is based upon gifsave.c, which was written
 * and released by:<p>
 * Sverre H. Huseby<BR>
 * Bjoelsengt. 17<BR>
 * N-0468 Oslo<BR>
 * Norway<p>
 * Phone: +47 2 230539<BR>
 * <A HREF="mailto:sverrehu@ifi.uio.no">sverrehu@ifi.uio.no</A><BR>
 * </DIV>
 * @author Adam Doppelt (dead link <A
 * @author Greg Faron - Integre Technical Publishing -
 * @version 0.90 21 Apr 1996
public class GIFEncoder extends Object
    * image height in pixels
   short imageWidth, imageHeight;
    * number of different colours in image
   int numberOfColors;
    * linear array of all pixels in row major order.
   byte[] allPixels = null;
    * list of all colours used in the image.
   byte[] allColors = null;

    * Convenience constructor for class <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE>.  The
    * argument will
    * be converted to an indexed color array.
    * <B>This may take some time.</B>
    * @param image  The image to encode. The image <B>must</B> be
    *               completely loaded.
    * @exception AWTException
    *                   Will be thrown if the pixel grab fails.
    *                   This can happen
    *                   if Java runs out of memory.  It may also
    *                   indicate that the
    *                   image contains more than 256 colors.
   public GIFEncoder( Image image )
   throws AWTException
      this.imageWidth = (short)image.getWidth( null );
      this.imageHeight = (short)image.getHeight( null );

      int values[] = new int[this.imageWidth * this.imageHeight];
      PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber( image,
                                               0, 0,
                                               values, 0, this.imageWidth );

         if ( grabber.grabPixels() != true )
            throw new AWTException( "Grabber returned false: " +
                                    grabber.status() );
         } // ends try

      catch ( InterruptedException ie )

      byte[][] r = new byte[ this.imageWidth ][ this.imageHeight ];
      byte[][] g = new byte[ this.imageWidth ][ this.imageHeight ];
      byte[][] b = new byte[ this.imageWidth ][ this.imageHeight ];
      int index = 0;

      for ( int y=0; y<this.imageHeight; y++ )
         for ( int x=0; x<this.imageWidth; x++, index++ )
            r[ x ][ y ] = (byte)( ( values[ index ] >> 16 ) & 0xFF );
            g[ x ][ y ] = (byte)( ( values[ index ] >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
            b[ x ][ y ] = (byte)( ( values[ index ] ) & 0xFF );
            } // ends for

         } // ends for

      this.toIndexColor( r, g, b );
   } // ends constructor GIFEncoder( Image )

   /** Standard constructor for class <CODE>GIFEncoder</CODE>.
     * Each array stores intensity
     * values for the image.  In other words,
     * <NOBR><CODE>r[x][y]</CODE></NOBR> refers to
     * the red intensity of the pixel at column <CODE>x</CODE>, row
     * <CODE>y</CODE>.
     * @param r A 2-dimensional array containing the red intensity values.
     * @param g A 2-dimensional array containing the green intensity
     * values.
     * @param b A 2-dimensional array containing the blue intensity values.
     * @exception AWTException Thrown if the image contains more than 256
     * colors.
   public GIFEncoder( byte[][] r, byte[][] g, byte[][] b )
   throws AWTException
      this.imageWidth = (short)( r.length );
      this.imageHeight = (short)( r[0].length );

      this.toIndexColor( r, g, b );
   } // ends constructor GIFEncoder(byte[][], byte[][], byte[][] )

   /** Writes the image out to a stream in the <CODE>GIF</CODE> file
     * format.
     * This will be a single GIF87a image, non-interlaced, with no
     * background color.
     * <B>This may take some time.</B>
     * @param output The stream to which to output. This should probably be
     * a buffered stream.
     * @exception IOException Thrown if a write operation fails.
   public void write( OutputStream output )
   throws IOException
      BitUtils.writeString( output, "GIF87a" );
      ScreenDescriptor sd = new ScreenDescriptor( this.imageWidth,
                                                  this.imageHeight, this.numberOfColors );
      sd.write( output );

      output.write( this.allColors, 0, this.allColors.length) ;

      ImageDescriptor id = new ImageDescriptor( this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight, ',' );
      id.write( output );

      byte codesize = BitUtils.BitsNeeded(this.numberOfColors);
      if ( codesize == 1 )
         codesize ++;
      output.write( codesize );

      LZWCompressor.LZWCompress( output, codesize, this.allPixels );
      output.write( 0 );

      id = new ImageDescriptor( (byte)0, (byte)0, ';' );
      id.write( output );
   } // ends write( OutputStream )

    * Converts rgb desrcription of image to colour
    * number description used by GIF.
    * @param r      red array of pixels
    * @param g      green array of pixels
    * @param b      blue array of pixels
    * @exception AWTException
    *                   Thrown if
    *                   too many different colours in image.
   void toIndexColor( byte[][] r, byte[][] g, byte[][] b )
   throws AWTException
      this.allPixels = new byte[this.imageWidth * this.imageHeight];
      this.allColors = new byte[256 * 3];
      int colornum = 0;
      for ( int x=0; x<this.imageWidth; x++ )
         for ( int y=0; y<this.imageHeight; y++ )
            int search;
            for ( search=0; search < colornum; search++ )
               if ( this.allColors[search * 3] == r[x][y] &&
                    this.allColors[search * 3 + 1] == g[x][y] &&
                    this.allColors[search * 3 + 2] == b[x][y] )
                  } // ends if

               } // ends for

            if ( search > 255 )
               throw new AWTException( "Too many colors." );
            // row major order y=row x=col
            this.allPixels[ y * this.imageWidth + x ] = (byte)search;

            if ( search == colornum )
               this.allColors[ search * 3 ] = r[x][y]; // [col][row]
               this.allColors[ search * 3 + 1 ] = g[x][y];
               this.allColors[ search * 3 + 2 ] = b[x][y];
               } // ends if

            } // ends for

         } // ends for

      this.numberOfColors = 1 << BitUtils.BitsNeeded( colornum );
      byte copy[] = new byte[this.numberOfColors * 3];
      System.arraycopy( this.allColors, 0, copy, 0, this.numberOfColors * 3 );
      this.allColors = copy;
   } // ends toIndexColor(byte[][], byte[][], byte[][] )

   } // ends class GIFEncoder

 * Used to write the bits composing the GIF image.
class BitFile extends Object
    * The outputstream where the data is written.
   OutputStream output = null;
    * buffer for bits to write.
   byte[] buffer;
   int indexIntoOutputStream, bitsLeft;

    * constructor
    * @param output Where image will be written
   public BitFile( OutputStream output )
      this.output = output;
      this.buffer = new byte[ 256 ];
      this.indexIntoOutputStream = 0;
      this.bitsLeft = 8;
      } // ends constructor BitFile(OutputStream )

    * Ensures image in ram gets to disk.
    * @exception IOException
   public void flush( )
   throws IOException
      int numBytes = this.indexIntoOutputStream + ( (this.bitsLeft == 8 ) ? 0 : 1 );
      if ( numBytes > 0 )
         this.output.write( numBytes );
         this.output.write( this.buffer, 0, numBytes );
         this.buffer[0] = 0;
         this.indexIntoOutputStream = 0;
         this.bitsLeft = 8;
         } // ends if

   } // ends flush( void )

    * Write bits to stream.
    * @param bits    source of bits, low/high order?
    * @param numbits how many bits to write.
    * @exception IOException
   public void writeBits( int bits, int numbits )
   throws IOException
      int bitsWritten = 0;
      int numBytes = 255;
         if ( (this.indexIntoOutputStream == 254 && this.bitsLeft == 0 ) ||
              this.indexIntoOutputStream > 254 )
            this.output.write( numBytes );
            this.output.write( this.buffer, 0, numBytes );

            this.buffer[0] = 0;
            this.indexIntoOutputStream = 0;
            this.bitsLeft = 8;
            } // ends if

         if ( numbits <= this.bitsLeft )
            this.buffer[this.indexIntoOutputStream] |= ( bits & ( ( 1 << numbits ) - 1 ) ) << ( 8 - this.bitsLeft );
            bitsWritten += numbits;
            this.bitsLeft -= numbits;
            numbits = 0;
            } // ends if

            this.buffer[ this.indexIntoOutputStream ] |= ( bits & ( ( 1 << this.bitsLeft ) - 1 ) ) << ( 8 - this.bitsLeft );
            bitsWritten += this.bitsLeft;
            bits >>= this.bitsLeft;
            numbits -= this.bitsLeft;
            this.buffer[ ++this.indexIntoOutputStream ] = 0;
            this.bitsLeft = 8;
            } // ends else

         } while ( numbits != 0 );

   } // ends writeBits( int, int )

   } // ends class BitFile

 * Used to compress the image by looking for repeating
 * elements.
class LZWStringTable extends Object
   private final static int RES_CODES = 2;
   private final static short HASH_FREE = (short ) 0xFFFF;
   private final static short NEXT_FIRST = (short ) 0xFFFF;
   private final static int MAXBITS = 12;
   private final static int MAXSTR = ( 1 << MAXBITS );
   private final static short HASHSIZE = 9973;
   private final static short HASHSTEP = 2039;

   byte strChr_[];
   short strNxt_[];
   short strHsh_[];
   short numStrings_;

   public LZWStringTable( )
      strChr_ = new byte[MAXSTR];
      strNxt_ = new short[MAXSTR];
      strHsh_ = new short[HASHSIZE];
      } // ends constructor LZWStringTable( void )

   public int addCharString( short index, byte b )
      int hshidx;
      if ( numStrings_ >= MAXSTR )
         return 0xFFFF;

      hshidx = Hash( index, b );
      while ( strHsh_[hshidx] != HASH_FREE )
         hshidx = ( hshidx + HASHSTEP ) % HASHSIZE;

      strHsh_[hshidx] = numStrings_;
      strChr_[numStrings_] = b;
      strNxt_[numStrings_] = ( index != HASH_FREE ) ? index : NEXT_FIRST;

      return numStrings_++;
      } // ends addCharString( short, byte )

   public short findCharString( short index, byte b )
      int hshidx, nxtidx;

      if ( index == HASH_FREE )
         return b;

      hshidx = Hash( index, b );
      while ( ( nxtidx = strHsh_[hshidx] ) != HASH_FREE )
         if ( strNxt_[nxtidx] == index && strChr_[nxtidx] == b )
            return(short ) nxtidx;
         hshidx = ( hshidx + HASHSTEP ) % HASHSIZE;
         } // ends while

      return(short ) 0xFFFF;
      } // ends findCharString( short, byte )

   public void ClearTable( int codesize )
      numStrings_ = 0;

      for ( int q = 0; q < HASHSIZE; q++ )
         strHsh_[q] = HASH_FREE;

      int w = ( 1 << codesize ) + RES_CODES;
      for ( int q = 0; q < w; q++ )
         this.addCharString( (short ) 0xFFFF, (byte)q );
      } // ends ClearTable(int)

   public static int Hash( short index, byte lastbyte )
      return( (int)( (short ) ( lastbyte << 8 ) ^ index ) & 0xFFFF ) %

   } // ends class LZWStringTable

 * Used to compress the image by looking for repeated
 * elements.
class LZWCompressor extends Object
   public static void LZWCompress( OutputStream output, int codesize, byte
                                   toCompress[] )
   throws IOException
      byte c;
      short index;
      int clearcode, endofinfo, numbits, limit, errcode;
      short prefix = (short ) 0xFFFF;

      BitFile bitFile = new BitFile( output );
      LZWStringTable strings = new LZWStringTable( );

      clearcode = 1 << codesize;
      endofinfo = clearcode + 1;

      numbits = codesize + 1;
      limit = ( 1 << numbits ) - 1;

      strings.ClearTable( codesize );
      bitFile.writeBits( clearcode, numbits );

      for ( int loop = 0; loop < toCompress.length; loop++ )
         c = toCompress[loop];
         if ( ( index = strings.findCharString( prefix, c ) ) != -1 )
            prefix = index;
            bitFile.writeBits( prefix, numbits );
            if ( strings.addCharString( prefix, c ) > limit )
               if ( ++numbits > 12 )
                  bitFile.writeBits( clearcode, numbits - 1 );
                  strings.ClearTable( codesize );
                  numbits = codesize + 1;
                  } // ends if

               limit = ( 1 << numbits ) - 1;
               } // ends if

            prefix = (short ) ( (short ) c & 0xFF );
            } // ends else

         } // ends for

      if ( prefix != -1 )
         bitFile.writeBits( prefix, numbits );

      bitFile.writeBits( endofinfo, numbits );
      bitFile.flush( );
   } // ends LZWCompress( OutputStream, int, byte[] )

   } // ends class LWZCompressor

class ScreenDescriptor extends Object
   public short localScreenWidth, localScreenHeight;
   private byte currentByte;
   public byte backgroundColorIndex, pixelAspectRatio;

    * tool for dumping current screen image??
    * @param width
    * @param height
    * @param numColors
   public ScreenDescriptor( short width, short height, int numColors )
      this.localScreenWidth = width;
      this.localScreenHeight = height;
      SetGlobalColorTableSize( (byte)( BitUtils.BitsNeeded( numColors ) -
                                       1 ) );
      SetGlobalColorTableFlag( (byte)1 );
      SetSortFlag( (byte)0 );
      SetColorResolution( (byte)7 );
      this.backgroundColorIndex = 0;
      this.pixelAspectRatio = 0;
      } // ends constructor ScreenDescriptor( short, short, int )

   public void write(OutputStream output )
   throws IOException
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.localScreenWidth );
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.localScreenHeight );
      output.write( this.currentByte );
      output.write( this.backgroundColorIndex );
      output.write( this.pixelAspectRatio );
   } // ends write( OutputStream )

   public void SetGlobalColorTableSize( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 7 );

   public void SetSortFlag( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 1 ) << 3;

   public void SetColorResolution( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 7 ) << 4;

   public void SetGlobalColorTableFlag( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 1 ) << 7;

   } // ends class ScreenDescriptor

class ImageDescriptor extends Object
   public byte separator_;
   public short leftPosition, topPosition, imageWidth, imageHeight;
   private byte currentByte;

    * ???
    * @param width
    * @param height
    * @param separator
   public ImageDescriptor( short width, short height, char separator )
      separator_ = (byte)separator;
      this.leftPosition = 0;
      this.topPosition = 0;
      this.imageWidth = width;
      this.imageHeight = height;
      SetLocalColorTableSize( (byte)0 );
      SetReserved( (byte)0 );
      SetSortFlag( (byte)0 );
      SetInterlaceFlag( (byte)0 );
      SetLocalColorTableFlag( (byte)0 );
      } // ends constructor ImageDescriptor( short, short, char )

   public void write( OutputStream output )
   throws IOException
      output.write( separator_ );
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.leftPosition );
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.topPosition );
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.imageWidth );
      BitUtils.writeWord( output, this.imageHeight );
      output.write( this.currentByte );
   } // ends write( OutputStream )

   public void SetLocalColorTableSize( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 7 );

   public void SetReserved( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 3 ) << 3;

   public void SetSortFlag( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 1 ) << 5;

   public void SetInterlaceFlag( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 1 ) << 6;

   public void SetLocalColorTableFlag( byte num )
      this.currentByte |= ( num & 1 ) << 7;

   } // ends class ImageDescriptor

class BitUtils extends Object
    * Bits needed no represent the number n???
   public static byte BitsNeeded( int n )
      byte ret = 1;

      if ( n-- == 0 )
         return 0;

      while ( ( n >>= 1 ) != 0 )

      return ret;
      } // ends BitsNeeded(int)

   public static void writeWord( OutputStream output, short w ) throws IOException
      output.write( w & 0xFF );
      output.write( ( w >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
   } // ends writeWord( OutputStream, short )

   static void writeString( OutputStream output, String string ) throws IOException
      for ( int loop = 0; loop < string.length(); loop++ )
         output.write( (byte)( string.charAt( loop ) ) );
   } // ends writeString( OutputStream, String )

   } // ends class BitUtils