<!-- HelloJspWorld.jsp, no package -->
<!-- invoke with http://practice.org:8080/HelloJspWorld.jsp -->
<!-- Source goes in c:\com\mindprod\practice\HelloJspWorld.jsp -->
<!-- Caucho Resin servlet womb will automatically compile it with necessary jars.-->
<body bgcolor="white">

<table border="0">


      <h1>HelloJspWorld.jsp Sample Test Application JSP Page</h1>

      This is the output of a JSP page.
      It displays several useful values from the request we are currently processing.</td>
<table border="0">
    <th align="right">Context Path:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getContextPath() %></td>
    <th align="right">Path Information:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getPathInfo() %></td>
    <th align="right">Query String:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getQueryString() %></td>
    <th align="right">Request Method:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getMethod() %></td>
    <th align="right">Servlet Path:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getServletPath() %></td>