 * [TestCollisionProbability.java]
 * Summary: Calculate theoretical and simulated probability of generating a non-unique random names.
 * Copyright: (c) 2009-2017 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products, http://mindprod.com
 * Licence: This software may be copied and used freely for any purpose but military.
 *          http://mindprod.com/contact/nonmil.html
 * Requires: JDK 1.8+
 * Created with: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
 * Version History:
 *  1.0 2009-01-01 initial version
package com.mindprod.example;

import com.mindprod.fastcat.FastCat;

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Random;

import static java.lang.System.*;

 * Calculate theoretical and simulated probability of generating a non-unique random names.
 * @author Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
 * @version 1.0 2009-01-01 initial version
 * @since 2009-01-01
public final class TestCollisionProbability
     * maximum number of acceptable trials
    private static final int MAX_TRIALS = 1000000;

     * minimum number of acceptable trials
    private static final int MIN_TRIALS = 100;

     * we can't compute accurately above this limit on n
    private static final long APPROXIMATING_LIMIT_FOR_N = 100000000L;

     * we can't simulate above this limit on m
    private static final long SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_M = 10000000L;

     * we can't simulate above this limit on n
    private static final long SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_N = 1000000L;

     * sun's random number generator to use in simulations
    private static final Random wheel = new Random();

     * Calculate the probability for a true random number generator avoiding collisions.
     * @param n count of names generated
     * @param m count of possible names
     * @return probability of no collisions
    private static double calculateTheoreticalProbability( long n, long m )
        double probabilityOfNoCollision = 1.0d;
        // loop would fail utterly for n= Long.MAX_VALUE and would never
        // complete for very large n.
        for ( long i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            probabilityOfNoCollision *= ( double ) ( m - i ) / m;
        return probabilityOfNoCollision;

     * Display the probability for a random number generator avoiding collisions.
     * @param probabilityOfNoCollision probability of no collisions 0..1
     * @param description              sort of generator used.
     * @param n                        count of names generated
     * @param m                        count of possible names
    private static void display( double probabilityOfNoCollision,
                                 String description,
                                 long n,
                                 long m )
        double probabilityOfCollision = 1.0d - probabilityOfNoCollision;
        out.println( "Generating n="
                     + n
                     + " Strings of m="
                     + m
                     + " possible Strings\n"
                     + "that you could generate with "
                     + description
                     + ",\n"
                     + "the probability of collision is "
                     + probabilityOfCollision
                     + "\n"
                     + "where 0 is never, and 1 is always," );
        if ( probabilityOfCollision <= 0.0 )
            out.println( "in other words, don't worry about collisions." );
        else if ( probabilityOfCollision >= 1.0 )
            out.println( "in other words, collisions will always happen." );
            out.println( "or one in " + 1 / probabilityOfCollision );

     * Display some random strings where m = Long.MAX_VALUE+1
    private static void displaySamples()
         * here is how you might generate random strings in practice. Note there
         * is no such method as Random.nextLong( long ), so you have to trim the
         * result to 0..Long.MAX_VALUE yourself.
         * to get strings with letters digits 0-9 try this:
        out.println( "Sample random decimal string: " + Long.toString(
                wheel.nextLong() & Long
        ) );
        /* to get strings with letters a-f and digits 0-9 try this: */
        out.println( "Sample random hex string: " + Long.toHexString( wheel
                                                                              .nextLong() & Long
                                                                              .MAX_VALUE ) );
        /* to get strings with letters \\p{Lower} and digits 0-9 try this: */
        out.println( "Sample random alphabetic string: " + Long.toString(
                wheel.nextLong() & Long
        ) );

     * Estimate probability for a true random number generator avoiding collisions. for large n this would take
     * impossibly long to compute, so we approximate to get a pessimistic number.
     * @param n count of names generated
     * @param m count of possible names
     * @return probability of no collisions
    private static double estimateTheoreticalProbability( long n, long m )
        out.println( "approximating..." );
        return Math.pow( ( double ) ( m - n ) / m, n );

     * Estimate probability for a true random number generator avoiding collisions. for large n this would take
     * impossibly long to compute, so we approximate to get a pessimistic number.
     * @param n      count of names generated
     * @param m      count of possible names
     * @param trials number of trials in simulation
     * @return probability of no collisions
    private static double simulateActualProbability( long n, long m, int trials )
        assert trials >= MIN_TRIALS :
                "not enough trials";
        assert trials <= MAX_TRIALS :
                "too many trials";
        assert n <= SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_N :
                "n too large";
        assert m <= SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_M :
                "m too large";
        assert SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_N < Integer
                .MAX_VALUE : "SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_N too large.";
        assert SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_M < Integer
                .MAX_VALUE : "SIMULATING_LIMIT_FOR_M too large.";
        final FastCat sb = new FastCat( 10 );
        sb.append( "\nSimulating ", trials, " trials of n=", n, " numbers " );
        sb.append( "each in range 0 .. ", m - 1, " where m=", m, "." );
        out.println( sb.toString() );
        int m1 = ( int ) m;
        // will consume roughly m/8 bytes.
        BitSet b = new BitSet( m1 );
        int collisions = 0;
        for ( int t = 0; t < trials; t++ )
            for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                int poss = wheel.nextInt( m1 );
                if ( b.get( poss ) )
                    // oops had a collision this trials.
                    b.set( poss );
        return ( double ) ( trials - collisions ) / trials;

     * main Calculate theoretical probability of generating a non-unique random hex name in n Strings of a set of m
     * possibilities via <br> private static Random wheel = new Random(); // seed with elapsedTime of day<br> ...<br>
     * String almostUniqueAndRandom =<br> Long.toHexString( wheel.nextLong() & * Long.MAX_VALUE);<br> you get
     * Strings of form "0" .. "7fffffffffffffff", a maximum 16 characters long. <br> <br> try out with: <br> java
     * com.mindprod.example.TestCollisionProbability 20000 9223372036854775807 1000<br> or to see a simulation, try
     * something smaller like<br> java com.mindprod.example.TestCollisionProbability 200 10000000 1000<br>
     * @param args n number of Strings you plan to generate <br> m string you will generate over the range 0..m
     *             <p/>
     *             If you are generating 32-bit hashcodes use m=4_294_967_296
     *             If you are using 60-bit hashcodes, use m=1_152_921_504_606_846_976
     *             64-bit hash codes will overamp this program.
     *             If you are using it to solwe the birthday problem use n=number of friends m=365.
     *             <br>
     *             trials how many sets of n numbers to generate in the simulation
    public static void main( String[] args )
        // n = how many "unique" Strings you plan to generate
        if ( args.length != 3 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "You must have n, the number of generated Strings and m, the number of possible Strings, and t, " +
                    "the number of trials on the command line."
        long n = Long.parseLong( args[ 0 ] );
        long m = Long.parseLong( args[ 1 ] );
        int trials = Integer.parseInt( args[ 2 ] );
        if ( !( 0 < n && n < m ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You must have 0 < n < m" );
        if ( !( MIN_TRIALS <= trials && trials <= MAX_TRIALS ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must have "
                                                + MIN_TRIALS
                                                + " <= trials <= "
                                                + MAX_TRIALS );
        // Show some typical random strings
        double probabilityOfNoCollision;
        if ( n <= APPROXIMATING_LIMIT_FOR_N )
            probabilityOfNoCollision = calculateTheoreticalProbability( n, m );
            probabilityOfNoCollision = estimateTheoreticalProbability( n, m );
        display( probabilityOfNoCollision, "a true number generator", n, m );
            probabilityOfNoCollision =
                    simulateActualProbability( n, m, trials );
            display( probabilityOfNoCollision,
                    "Sun's java.util.Random pseudo-random number generator",
                    m );
            out.println( "The problem too big to simulate." );
        } // end main