display:block // to put something in a box. display:table // to put something in a shrink-to-fit box. Unfortunately, IE does not shrink the box. // It puts it in a giant box that spreads out all the way across the screen // or fouls it up completely. Unfortunately, you cannot use table with <pre, // because display:table has a side effect of reflowing the text. display:inline // makes something fit on the same line as other text. display:list-item // gets you a bullet. Style applied by default to <li>. display:compact // applied to <dl> gets a compact dictionary listing. Firefox ignores the option. display:none // hide. display:marker // not well supported. This causes an additional marker box to be generated along with the content box. // You put text in the aux box with before: and after: display:run-in // Mysteriously behaves like either block or inline depending on context. display:table-rowStyle // applied by default to <tr>. display:table-header-group // Style applied to <thead>. display:table-row-group // Style applied to <tbody>. display:table-footer-group // Style applied to </tbody>. display:table-column // Style applied to <col>. display:table-column-group // Style applied to <colgroup>. display:table-cell // Style applied to <td> or <th>.