// Rough Idea of how to set up a custom FocusTraversalPolicy.

import java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy;

/* ... */

// hook up Custom policy for this component, passing it the default policy as a parameter.
this.setFocusTraversalPolicy( new CustomTraversalPolicy ( this.getFocusTraversalPolicy() ) );

 * inner class to change the default order of tabbing between fields.
 * only works in JDK 1.4+
class CustomTraversalPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy

    * The FocusTraversalPolicy normally in effect.
    * We use it basically, and override it in a few places.
   private FocusTraversalPolicy usual;

    * constructor
    * @param usual  The usual FocusTraversalPolicy we are
    *               overriding.  We just make a few changes to
    *               it.
   private CustomTraversalPolicy( FocusTraversalPolicy usual )
      this.usual = usual;

    * Returns the Component that should receive the focus after aComponent.
    * focusCycleRoot must be a focus cycle root of aComponent.
    * @param focusCycleRoot a focus cycle root of aComponent
    * @param aComponent a (possibly indirect) child of focusCycleRoot, or
    *        focusCycleRoot itself
    * @return the Component that should receive the focus after aComponent, or
    *         null if no suitable Component can be found
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if focusCycleRoot is not a focus cycle
    *         root of aComponent, or if either focusCycleRoot or aComponent is
    *         null
   public Component getComponentAfter( Container focusCycleRoot,  Component aComponent )

      // What comes next depends on your fields and desired order.

      // after the productNameText component comes the productDesc component.
      if ( aComponent == productNameText )
         return productDescText;
      // after the productDescText component comes the productValueText component
      else if ( aComponent == productDescText )
         return productValueText;
      // after productValueText comes the chopRowsSpinner, focus in the editor component of it.
      else if ( aComponent == productValueText )
         return chopRowsSpinner.getEditor().getComponent(0);
         return usual.getComponentAfter ( focusCycleRoot, aComponent );
    * Returns the Component that should receive the focus before aComponent.
    * focusCycleRoot must be a focus cycle root of aComponent.
    * @param focusCycleRoot a focus cycle root of aComponent
    * @param aComponent a (possibly indirect) child of focusCycleRoot, or
    *        focusCycleRoot itself
    * @return the Component that should receive the focus before aComponent,
    *         or null if no suitable Component can be found
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if focusCycleRoot is not a focus cycle
    *         root of aComponent, or if either focusCycleRoot or aComponent is
    *         null
   public Component getComponentBefore( Container focusCycleRoot,  Component aComponent )
      // What comes next depends on your fields and desired order.
      // after the productNameText component comes the productDesc component.
      if ( aComponent == productDesc )
         return productNameText;
      // after the productDescText component comes the productValueText component
      else if ( aComponent == productValueText )
         return productDescText;
      // after productValueText comes the chopRowsSpinner, focus in the editor component of it.
      else if ( aComponent == chopRowsSpinner.getEditor().getComponent(0) )
         return productValueText;
         return usual.getComponentBefore ( focusCycleRoot, aComponent );
     * Returns the default Component to focus. This Component will be the first
     * to receive focus when traversing down into a new focus traversal cycle
     * rooted at focusCycleRoot.
     * @param focusCycleRoot the focus cycle root whose default Component is to
     *        be returned
     * @return the default Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRoot
     *         is the focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component can
     *         be found
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if focusCycleRoot is null
   public Component getDefaultComponent( Container focusCycleRoot )
      return usual.getDefaultComponent ( focusCycleRoot );

    * Returns the first Component in the traversal cycle. This method is used
    * to determine the next Component to focus when traversal wraps in the
    * forward direction.
    * @param focusCycleRoot the focus cycle root whose first Component is to
    *        be returned
    * @return the first Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRoot
    *         is the focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component can be
    *         found
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if focusCycleRoot is null
   public Component getFirstComponent( Container focusCycleRoot )
      return usual.getFirstComponent ( focusCycleRoot );

    * Returns the Component that should receive the focus when a Window is
    * made visible for the first time. Once the Window has been made visible
    * by a call to <code>show()</code> or <code>setVisible( true )</code>, the
    * initial Component will not be used again. Instead, if the Window loses
    * and subsequently regains focus, or is made invisible or undisplayable
    * and subsequently made visible and displayable, the Window's most
    * recently focused Component will become the focus owner. The default
    * implementation of this method returns the default Component.
    * @param window the Window whose initial Component is to be returned
    * @return the Component that should receive the focus when window is made
    *         visible for the first time, or null if no suitable Component can
    *         be found
    * @see #getDefaultComponent
    * @see Window#getMostRecentFocusOwner
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if window is null
   public Component getInitialComponent( Window window )
      return usual.getInitialComponent ( window );

    * Returns the last Component in the traversal cycle. This method is used
    * to determine the next Component to focus when traversal wraps in the
    * reverse direction.
    * @param focusCycleRoot the focus cycle root whose last Component is to be
    *         returned
    * @return the last Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRoot is
    *         the focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component can be
    *         found
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if focusCycleRoot is null
   public Component  getLastComponent( Container focusCycleRoot )
      return usual.getFirstComponent ( focusCycleRoot );