// Possible Javadoc Comment Tags in Canonical Order for METHODS

  * Comments about what the method does go here. No special tag.
  * no @author or @version permitted
  * @inheritDoc [inherit everything from base or interface. Has no parameters!]
  * @override [This method is overriding intentionally. If not, it is an error.]
  *           [!!! Don't confuse with the @Override (capital O) annotation. !!!]
  * @param x <b>pixels</b> right of the origin.
  * @return number of oranges
  * @throws IOException  (formerly called @exception)
  * @see "Design Patterns by Gamma et. al"
  * -- no link generated.
  * @see "com.mindprod.http.Fetch"
  * -- no link generated because the Javadoc for that class is not included.
  * @see #otherMethod(String,int)
  * -- You must specify the types of any parms.
  * -- You may NOT add text about WHY you should see this other method.
  * @see <a href="http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html#TOP">Java &amp; Internet Glossary</a>
  * -- must have no extra text, e.g. no trailing dot.
  * @see java.awt.Component#repaint
  * -- only if method has no parms.
  * @see java.lang.Math#min(int,int) [note lack of #]
  * -- The method must be visible even if you don't actually call it.
  * @see java.util.Comparator [note lack of #]
  * @see OtherClass [note lack of #]
  * @since 1.5 [Sun uses the to mark which JDK this method debuted.]
  * @since JDK1.5
  * @since 2000-01-02 [when the method was first written.]
  * @serial exclude [this method is irrevelant to serialization docs]
  * @serial include [this method is relevant to serialization docs]
  * @serialData First reads in the version number then ...
  * @serialField x1  Integer [custom serialize non-class objects]
  * Embeddable commands:
  * @param {@inheritDoc}  [inherits from base method]
  * @return {@inheritDoc} [inherits from base method]
  * @throws {@inheritDoc} [inherits from base method]
  * The smallest allowable purchase is {@value #MIN_PURCHASE} [shows static final value].
  * Refer to {@linkplain add() the overridden method}. [in plain font]
  * This method works much like the one in {@link java.util.ArrayList}. [same parms as @see]
  * The master index covers {@docRoot}.
  * no @author or @version permitted