// F O R  used when you know the
// maximum number of times to iterate in advance.
// Note lack of; after i++
for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ )
   out.println( i );

// F O R to step through each char of a String, left to right
// Avoids recomputing s.length. Avoids defining n outside the loop.
// Note you must use a comma before n, not a semicolon.
// You may not say int n= or final int n=.
for ( int i=0,n=s.length(); i<n; i++ )
   out.println( s.charAt( i ) );

// R E V E R S E   F O R  to countdown
for ( int i=n-1; i>=0; i-- )
   out.println( i );

// R E V E R S E   F O R  to step through each char of a String, right to left
for ( int i=s.length()-1; i>=0; i-- )
   out.println( s.charAt( i ) );

// D U A L   F O R
// Note lack of; after j++
for ( int i=0, j=0; i<n; i++,j++ )
   out.println( i );
// However, this is illegal!
for ( int i=0, float r=1.0; i<n; i++,r=r*2.0 )
   out.println( i );

// A R R A Y - S P A N N I N G   F O R
String[] stuff = new String[ 10 ];
for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ )
   String s = stuff[i];
   out.println( s );

// F O R : E A C H   A R R A Y - S P A N N I N G   F O R   Java 1.5+
// works when stuff is an array, ArrayList or Collection,
String[] stuff = new String[ 10 ];
for ( String s : stuff )  // note String not int!!
   out.println( s );
   s = somethingElse; // Watch out! This has no effect on the stuff[] array!!

// F O R : E A C H   E N U M - S P A N N I N G   F O R   Java 1.5+
// Example iterating over all possibilities.
// Print out a list of all possible breeds of Dog
for ( Breed dog : Breed.values() )
   out.println( dog );

// E N U M E R A T I O N
// (nothing to do with enum)
// (largely replaced by Iterator)
Enumeration<String> e  = xxx.getEnumeration();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() )
   String key = e.nextElement();
   out.println( key );

// I T E R A T O R
// Note; after hasNext()
for ( Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
   String key = (String)iter.next();
   out.println( key );

// I T E R A T O R : alternate when you already have the Iterator
Iterator someFiles = getFilesToProcess();
while ( someFiles.hasNext() )
   File f = (File)someFiles.next();

// I T E R A T O R - R E M O V E :  efficiently removing elements from a List (ArrayList, LinkedList etc.)
// or Collection.
// You can't remove elements with a for:each.
// This works faster than a get/remove.
// This approach avoids the effects of the List renumbering as you go which can cause you to
// inadvertently skip elements or run off the end.
for ( Iterator<Item> iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
   Item item = iter.next();
   if ( item.isUnwanted() )
       // remove from underlying Collection

// F O R : E A C H   I T E R A B L E : Java 1.5+
// myFiles is a refererence to a container class that implements Iterable,
// namely has an iterator() method to enumerate the
// elements of the collection.
// All Collections such as ArrayList, TreeSet,
// HashMap, PriorityQueue... all implement Iterable.
// Note what you use in the for:each
// is not the result of myFiles.iterator() but myFiles itself.
// Note for, not while
for ( File f : myFiles )
   if ( f.isDirectory() ) ...

// F O R : E A C H   I T E R A B L E  W I T H   E L L I P S I S (...): Java 1.5+

void myMethod( String... animals )
   for ( String animal : animals )
      out.println( animal );
// calling myMethod defined above
myMethod( "tiger", "lion", "hippopotamus" );
myMethod( "tiger" );
myMethod( );

String[] someStringArray = getValues();
myMethod( someStringArray );

// W H I L E  (loop possibly zero times)
// Used when you don't know in advance how many times max you will loop.
while ( moreData() )

// D O / W H I L E  (loop at least once, aka repeat)
// Used when you don't know in advance how many times max you will loop.

   if ( done() )

   if ( bypassThisOne() )


   } while ( moreData() );

// create the array to iterate over in line.
for ( String encoding : new String[] { "IBM437", "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1" } )
    out.println( encoding );
// -30-