 * Scaffold to draw cells in groups of 2 rows of 6 cells at a time.
 * Represents a year's data with Jan-Jun on top and Jul-Dec on the
 * Bottom. Will scroll through the data stored in an array, holding
 * as many years as you want, one month per cell.
public class TwoRowsSixCols implements Scaffold
   private static final int cellWidthInPixels = 30;
   private static final int cellHeightInPixels = 50;

   * Compute where other cells in the Scaffold
   * should be positioned
   * relative to the first one on the screen.
   * @param i which cell needs to be placed,
   * first one on screen is index 0,
   * not necessarily the first one in the backing array.
   * @return the relative x,y position
   * of where the ith cell should go
   * relative to the base cell on the screen.
   public static Point shape ( int i )
      int gridRow = i / 6;
      int gridCol = i % 6;
      return new Point ( gridCol * cellWidthInPixels, gridRow * cellHeightInPixels );
      } // end shape

   * How many cells are visible on the screen at a time?
   * @return number of cells visible.
   public static int cellsVisible ( )
      return 12; // 2 rows by 6 columns
      } // end cellsVisible

   * Adjust which element of the array gets to go
   * in the first cell on screen.
   * @param candidateEltForFirstCell
   * the array element index we are proposing putting in the
   * the first cell position on screen.
   * @param mustDisplayElt
   * An array element index that
   * must fit on the display, usually near the centre.
   * @return our revised suggestion for
   * which element to display in the first slot.
   public static int adjust( int candidateEltForFirstCell, int mustDisplayElt)
      // In a simple scaffold we just
      // return candidateForEltFirstCell,
      // but we want to make sure that only January data
      // (in an array slot evenly divisible by 12)
      // ever goes in the first cell slot on the screen.
      if ( candidateEltForFirstCell % 12 == 0 )
         return candidateEltForFirstCell;
      // We could pick a smaller or larger value than
      // the candidate, but whichever we pick,
      // we must ensure mustDisplayElt
      // will still fit on the screen.
      int smallerCandidateElt = (candidateEltForFirstCell) / 12) * 12;
      int biggerCandidateElt = smallerCandidateElt + 12;
      if ( mustDisplayElt >= biggerCandidateElt )
         return biggerCandidateElt;
         return smallerCandidateElt;
         } // end if
      } // end adjust
   } // end class TwoRowsSixCols