rem Tricks you can play in TakeCommand/TCC/4NT

rem -----------------------------

rem magic characters (configurable)
rem & joins commands,
rem ^ is esc char to next char to allow magic chars
rem   ^ at line end, makes following line as if one with this one.
rem > redirect output
rem < redirect input
rem % macro replacement
rem [] function parameters
rem @ function name

rem -----------------------------

rem get a list of fully qualified directory names in this directory tree, not including . and ..
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
dir /b /a:d /s

rem -----------------------------

rem get a list of *.java files in the current directory tree last updated in the range 2010-12-25 to 2010-12-31

dir /[d2010-12-31,-6] /s *.java

rem -----------------------------

rem get a list of fully qualified file names in this directory tree
dir /b /a:-d /s

rem -----------------------------

rem get a list of fully qualified directory and file names in this directory tree
dir /b /s

rem -----------------------------

rem capture a list of fully qualified *.html file names in this directory tree

dir /b /a:-d /s *.html > temp.txt

rem -----------------------------

rem get a files in the java files in current directory in order by date, last modified = newest last
dir /b /o:d *.java

rem -----------------------------

rem get list of files any of the following attributes:
rem R Read-only
rem H Hidden
rem S System
rem A Archive
rem D Directory
rem E Encrypted
rem C Compressed
rem I Not content-indexed
rem J Junction
rem L Symbolic link or Junction
rem N Normal (cannot be used for file selection. no other attribs)
rem O Offline
rem P Sparse file
rem T Temporary
Rem find files that are hidden AND system AND not compressed
dir /b /a:+h+s-c

rem -----------------------------
rem pdir is a roll-your own programmable dir command where you get to decide what fields you want,
rem how wide and what format, in this case the filname(2) and the description
pdir /(fn 20 i)

rem -----------------------------

rem delete an entire directory tree, both files and subdirs
rem /S=subdir /E=suppress errors /X=delete empty dirs /Y=yes to prompts
del E:\stuff /SEXY

rem -----------------------------

rem copy just the changed files in a directory tree to a duplicate on another machine.
rem XCOPY's intelligence is doing this, not 4NT's.
rem /S=subdir /E=copy empty /Y=yes to prompts /D=date newer than target
xcopy E:\intellij\*.* \\roedyacer\E\intellij\ /SEYD

rem -----------------------------

rem convert all files in the current directory to pure lower case
for %i in (*.*) do rename %i %@LOWER[%i]

rem -----------------------------

rem for each jar in the directory tree, run jarlook,
rem redirecting the output to xxx.look where xxx.jar
rem was the name of the jar.
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s

for /r %i in (*.jar) do jarlook.exe %i > %@NAME[%i].look

rem -----------------------------

rem  detect files that have duplicate gif/png versions.
for %i in (*.gif) do if exist %@NAME[%i].png echo %i has gif/png duplicates

rem other useful functions on filenames:
rem @EXT File extension
rem @FILENAME File name and extension
rem @FULL Full file name with path
rem @NAME File name without path or extension
rem @PATH File path without name
rem @TRUENAME canonical name of a file

rem -----------------------------

rem generate a bat file that can later be used to rename files
rem chopping off the first 6 chars off each filename
empty C:\temp\temp.bat
echo generating rename commands in temp.bat
for %i in (*.*) do echo rename %i %@instr[6,,%i] >> temp.bat
echo running rename commands in temp.bat
call C:\temp\temp.bat
del C:\temp\temp.bat

rem -----------------------------

rem compare two directories to see where file lengths have changed
for %i in (*.java) do (
set file1=E:\old\jgloss\%i
set file2=E:\current\jgloss\%i
if not %@FILESIZE[%file1] == %@FILESIZE[%file2] echo %i

rem -----------------------------

rem Pick the more compact: the *.jpg or the *.png, delete the bigger one.
rem Note no quotes in IF to get a numeric compare
rem If .png bigger delete png
for %i in (*.png) if exist %@NAME[%i].jpg if %@FILESIZE[%i] GT %@FILESIZE[%@NAME[%i].jpg] del %i
rem If .jpg bigger, or equal delete jpg. There is no such thing as as ELSE
for %i in (*.png) if exist %@NAME[%i].jpg if %@FILESIZE[%@NAME[%i].jpg] GE %@FILESIZE[%i] del %@NAME[%i].jpg

rem -----------------------------

rem run tidy.btm in each of the subdirectories of the E:\com\mindprod tree
cd E:\com\mindprod
rem echo %cd %d shows us that %d gives each directory in the tree
rem where %cd gives us its parent.

rem /a:d attribute directory, /r recursive, /h hide dots
rem Visits directories more than once because of . and .. without /h
rem cd needed since for, unlike global, does not change the cwd.
rem Note that the there is no automatic CD on the discovered directory.
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
for /a:d /r /h %d in (*.*) do ( echo %cd & echo %d & call tidy.btm %d )

rem -----------------------------

rem Prepares _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt files from 4NT DESCRIPT.ION files for the current directory tree
rem by running mkoverview.btm in each subdirectory. Goes only one level deep.
rem pushd/popd allow us to put current directory back the way it was.
for /h /a:d %d in (*.*) do ( pushd & cd %d & echo %cd & call mkoverview.btm NOECHO & popd )

rem -----------------------------

rem Prepares _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt files from 4NT DESCRIPT.ION files for the current directory tree
rem by running mkoverview.btm in each subdirectory. Covers all levels.
rem pushd/popd allow us to put current directory back the way it was.
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
for /h /r /a:d %d in (*.*) do ( pushd & cd %d & echo %cd & call mkoverview.btm NOECHO & popd )

rem -----------------------------

rem conditional copy
cd E:\com\mindprod
rem scan the \com\mindprod tree for files of the form *.use.
rem When you find one, only if there is also a version.txt in that directory
rem copy that *.use file to uses.txt.
rem this works because %cd matches the directory of the found *.use file.
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
for /r /h %u in (*.use) do ( if exist %cd\version.txt copy %u %cd\uses.txt )

rem -----------------------------

rem run all the just.bat files in the current directory tree
rem the [a] is a fake regex wildcard kludge.
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
for /r %d in (just.b[a]t) do call just.bat

rem -----------------------------

rem conditionally rebuild Jet exe from jar only if it out of date
CD E:\com\mindprod\converter
if %@FILEAGE[converter.exe] GT %@FILEAGE[converter.jar] goto done
call rejet.btm

rem -----------------------------

rem strip off path and extension, and/or convert to an associated extension
set f=%@NAME[%1]
echo processing %f%.html

rem -----------------------------

rem multiple commands one line.
rem for each *.java file in the current directory, copy it to temp.txt,
rem and run the blout utility on temp.txt. If the result temp.txt is a different
rem length than the original file, replace the original file with it.
for %i in (*.java) do ( copy "%i" temp.txt & C:\sys\blout.exe temp.txt & ^
 if  %@FILESIZE["%i"] != %@FILESIZE[temp.txt] copy temp.txt "%i" )

rem -----------------------------

rem multiple commands, multiple lines.
rem nested ifs, recursively run proofs.bat in each "real" directory
rem in the tree where there are some Java files
rem Note [for] uses /r for recursive where [dir] uses /s
rem Beware. Do not tidy so () are on a line by themselves.
for /a:d /r %d in (*.*) do (
    if "%@right[4,%d]" != "^\raw" (
    if "%@right[3,%d]" != "^\.."  (
    if "%@right[2,%d]" != "^\."   (
    if exist %d\*.java            (
        echo %d
        cd %d
        call C:\ENV\proofs.bat

rem -----------------------------

rem detect if running under 4NT
if "%@eval[2+2]" == "4" loadbtm on

rem -----------------------------

rem display date, time timezone and cdrom drives available
echo %_date %_time %_tzn %_cdroms
rem displays: 2007-04-13 19:18:09 Pacific Daylight Time R:

rem -----------------------------

rem control bat files with a string containing a letter coding
rem for each step you want to execute.
rem e.g.
set whattodo=ACD
rem Then before each step use code like this:
if "%@index[%whattodo,A]" == "-1"  goto bypassstepA
if "%@index[%whattodo,B]" == "-1"  goto bypassstepB
if "%@index[%whattodo,C]" == "-1"  goto bypassstepC
if "%@index[%whattodo,D]" == "-1"  goto bypassstepD
rem in a real example you would use more mnemonic letter names.

rem -----------------------------

rem convert Unicode 16LE *.htm files generated by PADGen to ordinary ASCII
rem e.g. native2ascii.exe -encoding x-UTF-16LE-BOM  myprog.htm  myprog.html
for %i in (*.htm) do native2ascii.exe -encoding x-UTF-16LE-BOM  %i %@NAME[%i].html

rem -----------------------------

rem change last modified/write date of the file, presuming DIR displays in YYYY-MM-DD format.
rem /D must precede the filename.
touch /Dw2007-01-31 temp.txt

rem -----------------------------

rem check if there are any files dated 1:15 PM today (local time) or later.
if exist *.* /[d0@1:15p] echo "recent files found"

rem -----------------------------

rem check if past 1:15 PM today (local time)
if %@time[%_time] GT %@time[13:15] echo It is already past 1:15 PM!

rem -----------------------------

rem check if a file was updated today
if %@FILEDATE["E:\com\mindprod\currcon\currcon.jar"] EQ %_date goto done

rem -----------------------------

rem rename all the all.bat files to all.btm in the current directory tree.  Don't use rename /S.
rem global has a built-in /S.
rem global nearly always needs the /I option, or it stops on first failed if exist etc.
global /I rename /E all.bat all.btm

rem -----------------------------

::The cdd command alone is worth the entire package.  It lets you jump to
::any directory on any disk just by typing a few letters of its name, and if
::there are duplicates that fit the pattern, by selecting the one you want.
::It saves thousands of keystrokes every day.

rem -----------------------------

rem the SET command lets you change the master permanent sets you normally need to configure
rem in the control panel.  This lets you create a btm file that will put all your sets
rem back to right if you have to reinstall Windows or you suspect some of your sets may have been damaged : e.g.
set /E /S ANT_HOME=F:\Program Files (x86)\apache-ant-%antVersion%
set /E /S BROWSER=F:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
set /E /S CATALINA_HOME=F:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-%TomcatVersion%
set /E /S cert=mindprodcert2011dsa
set /E /S CLASSPATH=.;E:\;E:\exper
set /E /S ComSpec=F:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64\TCC.EXE
rem ...

rem -30-