// Utility routines used by the SurrogatePair Applet to deal
// with converting codepoints to surrogate pairs.

 * largest codepoint we can represent with a surrogate pair.
 * 10 bits in each char + 0x10000  16-bit codes we don't need to represent
 * 2 ** (10+10) + 0x10000 - 1 = 0x10ffff, a bit more than 20 bits.
private static final int BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT = 0x10ffff;

 * Convert 32-bit codePoint to a 2-character Unicode-16 string surrogate pair string.
 * e.g. 0x1d509 to "\ud835\udd09"
 * @param codePoint number 32-bit code point to convert to literal
 *                  Must be in in range 0 to {@value #BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT}.
 * @return pair of surrogate characters as a 2-character string.
private static String toSurrogatePair( final int codePoint )
    if ( !( 0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT ) )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "toSurrogatePair codePoint must be in range 0x0000.." + BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT );
    if ( codePoint <= 0xffff )
        // ordinary 16-bit char
        return String.valueOf( ( char ) codePoint );
        // offset since we don't need to represent low chars 0x0000..0xffff.
        // This lets us rerprent 64K more chars on the high end.
        final int extract = codePoint - 0x10000;
        // strip out the high 10 bits and embed in high surrogate range.
        final int high = ( extract >>> 10 ) + 0xd800;
        // strip out the lowe 10 bits and embed in low  surrogate range.
        final int low = ( extract & 0x3ff ) + 0xdc00;
        // emit the surrogate pair in big endian order.
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 2 );
        sb.append( ( char ) high );
        sb.append( ( char ) low );
        return sb.toString();

 * Convert 32-bit codePoint to a pair of \ u x x x x  surrogate literals.
 * e.g. 0x1d509 to "\ud835\udd09"
 * @param codePoint number 32-bit code point to convert to literal
 *                  Must be in in range 0 to {@value #BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT}.
 * @return pair of surrogate characters as a 12-character Java literal without quotes.
private static String toSurrogatePairLiteral( final int codePoint )
    if ( !( 0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT ) )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "toSurrogatePairLiteral codePoint must be in range 0x0000.." + BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT );
    if ( codePoint <= 0xffff )
        // ordinary 16-bit char
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 6 );
        sb.append( "\\u" );
        sb.append( StringTools.toLzHexString( codePoint, 4 ) );
        return sb.toString();
        final int extract = codePoint - 0x10000;
        final int high = ( extract >>> 10 ) + 0xd800;
        final int low = ( extract & 0x3ff ) + 0xdc00;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 12 );
        sb.append( "\\u" );
        sb.append( StringTools.toLzHexString( high, 4 ) );
        sb.append( "\\u" );
        sb.append( StringTools.toLzHexString( low, 4 ) );
        return sb.toString();

 * Convert 32-bit codePoint to \ U x x x x x x x x C-style string literal.
 * e.g. 0x1d509 to \U0001d509
 * @param codePoint number 32-bit code point to convert to literal.
 *                  Must be in in range 0 to {@value #BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT}.
 * @return as a C-style 10-char literal without quotes.
private static String toCLiteral( final int codePoint )
    if ( !( 0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT ) )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "toSurrogatePair toCLiteral must be in range 0x0000.." + BIGGEST_REPRESENTABLE_CODEPOINT );
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 10 );
    sb.append( "\\U" );
    sb.append( StringTools.toLzHexString( codePoint, 8 ) );
    return sb.toString();