Jesus’s Birthday
Jesus went without a birthday for 325 years until 325 AD when the church assigned December 25 to coincide with Saturnalia and the solstice festivities of other religions.
~ Roedy (born:1948-02-04 age:68)
- Originally, Superman did not have a birthday either because he was a fictitious character. In 1990-07, the authority, Action Comics, set it as February 29. They later changed it in 2009 to December 1. Could it be Jesus too had no birthday for so long for the same reason?
- Could it be because everyone, including St. Peter’s church, forgot the actual birthday of the most important man in history and the church had to assign him a new one? This seems unlikely given all the other information about him they claim to have recorded accurately.
- Could it be because the story of Jesus is a myth that encodes facts about the movement of celestial bodies? Because of its astronomical significance, December 25 was all along part of that myth, but not revealed generally. There never was a historical Jesus any more than there was a historical Superman.