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Prescriptions For Happiness

Ken discusses the Prescriptions For Happiness in (surprise) Prescriptions for Happiness.

  1. Ask for what you want — but don’t demand it.
  2. Accept whatever happens — for now.
  3. Turn up your love — even if you don’t get what you want.
A group of rabbis set the prescriptions for happiness to music. Unfortunately, I don’t think the recording is commercially available. It is quite a delight to let it sink into your subconscious as background music.
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by Ken Keyes Jr. 978-0-915972-02-9 paperback
birth 1921-01-19 1995-12-20 age:74
publisher Love Line
published 1993-01-01
slim simple book with the message:
  • Ask for what you want, but don’t demand it.
  • Accept whatever happens for now.
  • Turn up your love even if you don’t get what you want.
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