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book cover recommend book⇒Your Road Map to Lifelong Happiness: A Guide to the Life You Wantto book home
by Ken Keyes Jr. 978-0-915972-23-4 paperback
birth 1921-01-19 1995-12-20 age:74 978-0-915972-22-7 hardcover
publisher Love Line
published 1995-06-19
Ken’s last book finished just before he died. He introduces EMDR, Harville Hendrix, Ron Kurtz’s Hakomi and other therapies as much faster ways of getting rid of addictions than using his classic methods.
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Ken Keyes goes into quirks only in his last book Your Road Map to Lifelong Happiness : A Guide to the Life You Want. Anatomically we have three brains: the reptilian, mammalian and rational (and four if you count the gut which has over half of your body’s nerve cells). The rational mind is a relatively recent addition in evolutionary history. The connections between it and the older mammalian and reptilian brains have quirks yet to be ironed out. Your rational brain and old brains can be working at cross purposes. Your mammalian brain is in charge of emotions. It might, for example, give you a squirt of adrenaline when your boss points out an error you made, preparing you for fight or flight — not exactly the most appropriate action. It is designed for survival in the jungle. Your old brain (reptilian+mammalian) tends to make five classes of error.
  1. Object Quirk The old brain confuses different people and things. For example you may overreact to a loving mate asking you to put your socks in the laundry basket as if they were an abusive parent chasing you with a strap.
  2. Time Quirk The old brain merges past, present and future into the now experience. For example, you may react to some mild teasing with the same emotional intensity that you reacted to the physical abuse you endured from your childhood peers.
  3. Unsafe Stranger Quirk The old brain feels threatened by all strangers.
  4. Unchanging Entity Quirk The old brain is not attuned to the way people and things are constantly changing.
  5. Adaptable Memory Quirk The old brain adapts or creates memories to support current interests.

Being aware of these errors helps you understand irrational emotional reactions to events both in yourself and others.

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