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Carry The Love

Carry The Love : Haven : from Carry The Love

We are one incredible family
We are one incredible family
We are learning to live together
We are learning to love one another
We can be just who we are
We can be we can be
One incredible family

Time will take us where we go
And love will show us what to do
Laugh together play together
Share each other’s rainbows
Carry the love, carry the love
We can be just who we are
We can be we can be
One incredible family
One incredible family

There’s a place to learn Cornucopia
Where we all are loved Cornucopia
Children teach us sweet surrender
Life is just one moment here and now
Carry the love
We can be just who we are
We can be we can be
One incredible family
One incredible family
One incredible family
Carry the love
Carry the love
Carry the love

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