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Look For the Common Ground

Look For the Common Ground : Tom Dalton : from Carry The Love

Living in a world of people
how can we survive
Living with so many people
when will we realize
You and I we’re so alike
You and I we’re so alike
And when I feel that I am right
and you are wrong
I just smile when I see your face
Remember there’s a oneness space
Try to see the world through your eyes
And even if our point of view
may seem to disagree
There’s something we can understand
I think that you’ll agree


We have to
Look for the common ground
you can find it all around
Look for the love in everyone
Even if it’s hard to see,
you can find the unity
Just look for the love in everyone

In our living day to day
it’s easy to forget
All our talk of brotherhood
just doesn’t seem to fit
There’s a lot of broken hearts
with nothing left to believe
Now it’s time we made a start
it’s up to you and me


… in everyone, everyone
(you and I we’re so alike)
living in a world of people
(You and I we’re so alike)

how can we survive
(you and I we’re so alike)
living with so many people
(you and I we’re so alike)
look for the common ground

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