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Loving Me Is All I Have To Do

Loving Me Is All I Have To Do : Haven : from Carry The Love

When I feel lost and all alone
And scared and sad and blue
I sit and think of things I’ve done
And things I’ve tried to do

It doesn’t really matter
Things are as they should be
If I could just remember that

Loving me is all I have to do,
Loving me is all I have to do

There came a time in my life
When everything went wrong
And angry thoughts ran through my mind
Trying to take me along
It’s just another feeling
So I’ll it into love
And I’ll give to you remembering

Loving me is all I have to do,
Loving me is all I have to do.

It’s time to see
Who I should be
There’s time to find the answer
Go up and down
Turn around
And recognize the dancer


It seems as though I’ve tried to say
In many different ways

And all you do is see the image
That my words portray
And now that my reflection
Has turned around to you
I realize with special wonder that

Loving me is all I have to do
Loving me is all I have to do
Loving me is all I have to do
Loving me is all I have to do
Loving me is all I have to do
Loving me is all I have to do

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