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Open Up Your Vision

Open Up Your Vision : Jai Michael Josephs : from Open Up Your Vision

When you wake up in the morning
And it’s raining in your heart
And you feel like you won’t make it
Before you even start.
When your world is wrapped in darkness
And you cannot see the light
’Cause all your situations
Haven’t seemed to work out right
Open up your vision
And look past the reasons why
Open up your curtains
See the sun there in the sky.
And know that it’s been shining
Even through the cloudy days
And feel its warmth inside you
As you sing this simple phrase

There is nothing to need
hide from or fear
I am whole and complete
right now and right here
Repeat 4 times

There is nothing to need
hide from or fear
We are whole and complete
right now and right here
Repeat 8 times

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